Preparations for Sports Festival!

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A/N Hello everyone and welcome back to another chapter of The Heroic Pirate! I hope that you all are prepared for the first chapter of this story in the New Year! I know that it had been a small bit since the last chapter of this story had come about, but it's here now and I can't wait to show it to you all now! Please give Attack on Titan: Rise to Heroism a read please it needs some love since I want to continue making that story! See you all at the end of the chapter!

It was a few days after the USJ attack that the students of Class 1-A had returned to their normal classes for their week as they prepared for the next battle. Their teacher had informed them about the Sports Festival early on in their day before their first class of normal classes as they thought about all the training, they would do to prepare for such an event in only two weeks. As for Izuku and Yamato they had their training plan all thought out at this point of time as they prepared for the harshest training regimen, they could prepare for themselves against their classmates. As the two left the classroom chatting with one another at lunch they were completely oblivious to the number of stares that they both gained as they walked with one another. "So I guess they are just ignoring the rest of us huh? I guess you in class 1-A are just so arrogant about your attack from villains huh?" One of the students in the crowd asked, as Izuku stopped where he was and looked at the boy. "What are you talking about, we all trained hard to get into class 1-A. And just because the Entrance Exams aren't really for those who have mental quirks or combat oriented quirks doesn't mean that you should give up. If you are here for a declaration of war, go ahead. Just leave me and Yamato out of your declaration please, because unlike some of the people here, we trained our entire lives in order to get to where we are." Izuku said, as the other Class 1-A students agreed with the boy. Once Izuku left the area with Yamato the boy declared his war against class 1-A and just left them to their devices as they all prepared themselves for the training of a lifetime for the Sports Festival that was coming up. With Izuku and Yamato the duo was talking to one another as they thought up new strategies against others who were strong within their class. Izuku having been predicting the events of the Sports Festival based on his knowledge of the event from watching it as a child growing up. As the two continued to talk they had ignored any questions from their classmates about what their training regimen was going to be. As they didn't want to divulge that can of worms to them all as the two thought about increasing their own regimen to make sure that they both could give the other a massive battle in the Tournament part of the Sports Festival when it came up. They were completely unaware of the fact that their classmates were starting to think that they were arrogant with their own standing within the class.


Izuku and Yamato were in the middle of an island that was uninhabited by humans or wildlife since they wanted to reveal the full power of their quirks to the man that is known as All Might. The man had come to them asking how their powers worked since it was not something akin to Quirks or however, they worked. There was so little drawbacks that he wouldn't put it past them to become villains with their powers as Yamato chuckled nervously. Now that they were alone on an Island with All Might watching them they powered up their Quirks to the max as they battled one another. Although, All Might would swear to anyone that what he saw was something akin to him fighting his worst nemesis as Izuku and Yamato's attacks never met one another only stopping just a few inches of one another as a massive shockwave had erupted from the surroundings. All Might would then watch on in horror as how the two would make continuous attacks that resulted in the same stalemate as black lightning would occur whenever their strikes would nearly strike home. As massive hurricanes of force would be ejected from their attacks, All Might could only watch in awe as their attacks were so fast that it nearly made him have googly eyes of a comic book. Each strike was well timed as well as perfectly placed to where the maximum amount of strength would be used without fail. And each strike got to the point their opponent would move even faster just so that they could overpower and outmaneuver the other. But alas as soon as Izuku moved faster than Yamato could predict, she was finally struck in the back from a wide arced kick as Izuku slammed the girl into the ground without mercy. This trend would continue over the next few days as the two would always come here to train with one another as if they were trying to kill the other with their overall power. As they would still learn in school about their normal classes in between their training, the other students would notice from time to time about the competitiveness between both as they trained alone without anyone besides All Might know. It got to the point of which the other classmates of Izuku and Yamato decided to hitch a ride with All Might to the island in order to see what the two were doing for training. And they were not disappointed when they watched as the two powerhouses battled one another as if they were trying to kill the other. They then realized that the training these two were doing was just enough to increase their overall strength as well as speed to the point that they would be unmatched.... not as if they were already that to begin with. They soon left after getting the message that they wouldn't stand a chance against the two if they went all out against them, but that didn't make them not want to reach that level and force it out of them, themselves. So as they all left, they increased the amount of training they received for themselves so that they could try and get the two to at least try really hard against them. With all the students from Class 1-A training very hard to surpass their strongest fighters with their skill as well as training regimen, the sister class were doing their very best to increase their strength in order to defeat their opponents within their own sister class who will be gaining every bit of attention from the crowds because of their attack from villains.  

As the days continued further, the class was training to their hearts content as they got themselves trained up for their biggest contest in their lives. Other than getting attention from the populace within the Hero Rankings. The students were training as hard as ever in order to catch up to the two leading members of their class, and it was starting to worry their teachers with how tired they'd be after class training. Izuku and Yamato were clearly taking it easy during classes and when asked, they informed that their training is so harsh that they like to think about their class physical training as mere warmups for the end of the day. As the day continued further, even Aizawa got concerned for his other students as they were working themselves to near exhaustion in order to try and get Izuku and Yamato to take them at least seriously. And so, the days piled on even further until it was finally the day of the Sports Festival, Izuku and Yamato were both sitting comfortably together as they thought about their future plans for taking down the League of Villains on their own without the assistance of the Heroes. They knew that their time at UA was slowly coming to an end because of how they were not taking their training seriously within classes. It's not their fault that their powers are not quirks themselves! They just couldn't show their classmates their full strength without getting them killed is all, so they devised a plan that after the Sports Festival was over... they would become Vigilantes of the night. Hunting down the League of Villains until they are placed behind bars, and the same for villains who wish to do harm to society as a whole and prevent it from becoming better than it originally was. In fact, their training on the island with All Might watching was just to show the man that should he enter a fight with either one of them, it wouldn't end well for either party. One or the other will die in the fight against them, and they didn't wish to kill the Symbol of Peace, but they will make sure he retires faster if it will keep him safe from any villains seeking to kill him whilst he's weak. So as they wait for Present Mic to talk about their class and begin the Sports Festival, they were both approached by Todoroki as the young man stared at them with cold indifference. "Midoriya, Yamato. I've come here to state that in terms of raw power and skill, you both are the strongest of the class. And that I am going to try and usurp you both in order to state that you aren't the strongest of the class anymore." Todoroki said, as Izuku looked at him. "Well Todoroki-kun, you might want to get in line. Because everyone else will be gunning for us, don't think that I don't know about how you guys have been training harder to catch up to both me and Yamato. It won't work, our powers are vastly different from yours, and I'm not being arrogant when I say this, and I wish that it wouldn't paint a target on mine and Yamato's backs, but you all won't be capable of keeping up with either of us." Izuku said, as he stood up as Present Mic called out to the class as well as the many other students within the sister classes of UA. "It's time to show the world that you all are here." Izuku said, as he walked out of the entrance. The only ones who caught the way he said those words though, was Momo Yaoyorozu, Uraraka Ochako and Iida Tenya.

A/N That is the end of the chapter! I hope you all are prepared for Izuku and Yamato to begin their lives after the Sports Fest, searching for the League of Villains! Izuku and Yamato both know that their classes just don't have the capabilities to keep up with their otherworldly speeds as well as power so moving away from UA in order to keep them all safe as they search to stop the Evil of the world from showing its ugly head is something that I am writing to happen within the story. Izuku and Yamato are not cocky, nor are they arrogant about their powers. They have trained in the world of One Piece together, fought side by side against foes who would rather have them dead at their feet. Going all out on characters from the MHA verse... would just be killing characters before they even got the chance to become Heroes. That's what I'm saying, characters by the time they reach Wano's Arc within the One-Piece storyline is way too strong for canon Izuku and company. Luffy's comic book style combat will just make things completely one sided. Not to mention the rest of his crew's abilities to use powers that would knock them all out, barring Izuku himself. Well anyway rant complete, get this story up to 3950 reads and I will make another chapter! 

P.S. Please give Attack on Titan: Rise to Heroism a read, it's a relatively new story and I want people to read it!

2048 Words!

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