t h i r t y - s e v e n

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Panting heavily, I stayed led in my old dog bed, Max at my side, as Diesel eagerly explored the kitchen where Negan just so happened to be cooking spaghetti bolognese.

He liked food too much if he was hanging round Negan. Don't get me wrong I know I do, but it's different for him, he's my baby, he's a sixteen week old pup, only four months into this world and I refuse to let him near Negan.

I had already snapped at him for it a few times, but Max said nothing bad would happen to him and reluctantly I agreed.

I was too tired to argue against him, so I just left my head on his front paw,  not sleeping but just listening. My whole body ached and I was also starving.

I peacefully gave up in staying awake as I shut my eyes, knackered at how everything was turning out.

I wasn't asleep for very long but when I woke up I hear voices, and I slowly got up, stretching out my muscles, and strolling outside to see Arat shouting at Spencer for something.

"Don't be an asshole, Arat. Let the man pass." Negan grins, spotting Spencer who was walking up the steps with a bottle in his hand, "Oh, crap. Is that for me?" He asked, Lucille loosely in his grip.

"We haven't officially met. I'm Spencer Monroe. Hi." Spencer began.

I turned back round, not wanting to deal with him, and decided to settle into the comfort and warmth of my bed again, where Max was led asleep.

I got up after a few minutes, unable to settle at all, and I let out a whine as I walked back outside, nudging Negan, who was sat on one of the chairs pouring himself a drink, Spencer next to him.

He continued speaking, and just stroked the fur on my neck, "Running water, air conditioning, a housewarming gift? That settles it. I am getting myself a vacation home here." He grins.

"Cheers to that." Spencer says as they clink glasses and take a drink.

"Mmm. Oh, that is good. You know, the only thing missing is a pool table. Nothing better than a good game of 8 ball." Negan sighs.

"The house across the street has one in the garage." Spencer says pointing over to it. I let out an audible huff of annoyance.

"Oh, Spencer, you may just be my new best friend." Negan chuckles, "Such a nice day, though-- too nice to be cooped up inside some garage, don't you think?"


"Oh, I got a better idea." Negan says standing up with a wicked grin on his face. Good god what is he planning.

I watch, sitting on the grass, panting as the pool table is set up in the middle of the street, "I could never do this with Rick. He would just be standing there, scowling, giving me that annoying side-eye he gives me." Negan jokes.

"That's actually what I came to see you about. I want to talk to you about Rick." Spencer begins. Hearing this, I walk over and put my two front paws up on the edge of the pool table to listen in, as others gathered round.

"All right. Talk to me, Spencer. Talk to me about Rick." Negan breathes out sharply, while hitting one of the balls with a stick. I didn't understand this game. You were supposed to throw or kick balls and chase after them.

"I get what you're trying to do here, what you're trying to build. I'm not saying I agree with your methods, but I get it. You're building a network. You're making people contribute for the greater good. It makes sense. But you should know that Rick Grimes has a history of not working well with others." Spencer says, choosing his words carefully. Oh shut up Spenver before I bite you again, or was that your brother I bit?

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