t h i r t y - f i v e

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The following days leading up to the supposed visit to Alexandria, went well, ever since living with Negan, I've grown to understand him more. I've realised that he isn't the worst man in the world.

He has some respect for those who don't do him wrong. I understand why he wanted to get back at Rick, because we had gotten involved into a fight that wasnt ours to fight, we interfered and took out a whole saviour base, and then Daryl blew up a massive group of saviours.

I don't agree with the methods of how he killed Glenn and Abraham, on a level I knew why he did it, but it still remained upsetting to think about how close I had grown with the both of them.

I opened my eyes, to Negan clipping a lead onto my collar, he no longer used the slip chain, and as soon as he saw the shock collar he had binned it, much to my agreement.

"I hate to use the muzzle on you, but will you behave today?" I just barked up at him, and trotted at his side obediently.

We walked outside where a bunch of trucks and sat, with saviours climbing in, and then hopping on bikes.

A door to a black truck swings open and Negan looks down at me expectingly, and I put my front paw on the bottom step barely reaching it.

Out of nowhere I felt a pair of hands boost me up, and I scrambled up the steps the rest of the way panting, as Negan jumped in after me slamming the door shut. I looked over at the driver uneasily as Negan patted the large gap between him and the bald man driving for me to jump up, "Up."

I leapt up, lying down, my head resting on his leg, as the truck started up, speeding out the gates, the other vehicles following suit.

After almost an hour of rocky roads, we finally slowed to a stop, and I shot up at the familiar surroundings as Negan climbed out, while I practically fell down the steps, returning to his side with my lead gripped in his hand tightly.

Negan whistled brightly, as we approached the gate

"Dun-dun-dun dun."

He hit the bat off the metal bar three sharp times, me wincing each time from the loud and piercing ringing noise that invade my sensitive ears.

"Little pig, little pig, let me in!" Negan boomed through. I could smell Rosita, Spencer and Eugene on the other side.

"Well?" Negan gestured as Spencer opened the mesh gate revealing everyone.

"Um, who are you?" Spencer asked.

"Oh, you better be jokin'. Negan, Lucille. I know I had to make a pretty strong first impression." Negan grinned brightly, as Rick cane into into strolling over.

"Well, hello, there. Do not make me have to ask." Negan said, his tone switching to a more serious, as his grip became tighter on both the bat and my lead.

"You said a week. You're early." Rick grumbled, opening the gate.

"I missed you." Negan joked, smiling at Rick, while I just panted, the warm sun, sinking through my coat.

"Oh, Rick, come on out here. Watch this. Calling it!" Negan shouted, dropping my lead as a walker appeared. He walked his bat into the skull, "Ha ha ha! Easy peasy lemon squeezy! All right, everybody. Let's get started. Big day."

I plodded back over to Negan who grabbed my lead, mindlessly as the saviours, and Daryk stood behind use silently, " Hey, Rick, you see that, what I just did? That is some service! I mean, we almost get turned away at the gate. Who is that guy, anyway?" He says gesturing to Spencer.

Looks like me and Negan do share something in common after all, our similar disliking of Spencer. Stupid Prick.

"Do I get mad? Do I throw a fit? Do I bash some ginger's dome in? Nope. I just take care of one of these dead pricks that could've killed one of y'all. Service." Negan grins, shoving Lucille into Rick's hands, "Hold this."

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