8 - Tears Drop and Drip

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I couldn't let Match go. No I can't. If I did, everyone would know... And nobody SHOULD know! This all is getting to me.. Where are those stupid pills? I need them, I need them so much... I looked around, and then I noticed that they fell, so I was gonna pick them up until Pin showed up. She saw the pills, and picked them up.

PIN: Leafy! Hi!...What's this?
LEAFY: Oh... Um, that's really nothing. I think I forgot it in... In my jacket...
PIN: Don't lie.

Shit. Shit shit shit shit shit... She knows. She f☆cking knows.

LEAFY: I'm not lying.
PIN: Don't try that on me.
LEAFY: I swear! I swear!

Pin rolled her eyes, and gave the bottle. We went a bit and started talking a bit, she said how unresponsive I was, I just said that I'm sorry. We got some ice cream (A/N ice cube but in a different form /j), and just went home after. Pin knew something was up with me, but I told her nothing at all. I came home to Tree looking upset.

LEAFY: Tree, you okay?
TREE: Grassy is missing. He isn't in his room.

My eyes widened. Grassy... is missing. I panicked. Days pass by, and no sign of Grassy at all. Every morning, I usually hear "Grassy says hi Leafy" or something, but now that I don't... It panicked me. I was determined to find him, but at the same time... What Pencil did... Traumatized me. What if I— No! No! No no no no no no no no no!  At this point I was crying, my tears dropping and dripping (TITLE?!?!). But then, my sight randomly went black.

PIN:  ...leafy? Hello? Have you gotten your rest?
LEAFY: huh
MATCH: Well well well! If it like, isn't the murderer!
LEAFY: What do you mean...

I stood up from the rocky floor, and realized Match had hit me in the head... I was quick to realize what Match meant.

PIN: Did you REALLY kill Pencil...?
LEAFY: W-Wha... Of course not! Why would I?!
PIN: Match came panicking to me—
LEAFY: Why would you believe her?
MATCH: Because, like, you have been acting up! We all noticed!
LEAFY: We.. Who is we?
PIN: Kind of everyone you know.
LEAFY: What the hell do you mean?! I just got up and you're bombarding me with like a thousands of questions! Can you explain what happened?

Match chuckled, explaining how she hit me in the head because of how I killed her Pencil. Her and Pin stared at me in disbelief. I tried to say something, but they were gone like the dusts of air. I yelled out Pin's name, but she didn't give a f☆ck. How hard that hit me in the gut, I've maybe had some ups and downs but she was still a close friend. I don't understand how she could take her side... I mean yes, I DID kill Pencil but... I didn't do it for fun... Wouldn't she believe ME anyway? Her friend for what? Like 5 years?

I notice Tree walking around so I went up to him.

LEAFY: Hey... Are.. Are you okay? (gb faints /ref)
TREE: Leafy this is getting to me... Have you seen any trace of Grassy?
LEAFY: No...

Tree's eyes shrunk, and started holding on to his head. I could tell he REALLY wanted to find his brother Grassy. I mean of course... So did I! I didn't know where to—

???: Tree! Tree!

We both turned our heads. We saw someone yelling our name... That person being—

I get...
read time

You get...

Next update somewhere in June

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⏰ Last updated: May 23 ⏰

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