2 - I should start

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Just to clarify: ? = Ghost and ??? = Person

It's 02:34. I need to fix my sleep schedule. It's so frustrating.

?: Leafy.
LEAFY: Huh..? Who is there?!
?: You're stupid.
?: You're ugly.
?: You're useless.
LEAFY: ...Who the hell are you.
?: I'm the person who tells you your worth. You have none though, so sayonara.

...What. This is a dream, right?! Let me just... OW! Okay definitely not a dream... Who was that... Am I really worth nothing at all...? Maybe they are right... I upset so many people in the past, like 2763M people! I'm embarrassed-

LEAFY: What's this? It has no name... It seems like pills...
Okay I know it's wrong to take things that aren't mine, but Tree will forgive me... Right?

I open the bottle and take out a pill. I take the water next to my lamp and drink it. Right when I do... I feel dizzy. I hide the bottle but then I fall on the floor and black out.

LEAFY: ...What...

I woke up to see Tree. I tried remembering what happened but then I realized that he can't see me like THIS!

TREE: Leafy, are you okay? You've been fainting a bit more often, what's going on?!
LEAFY: I... I...

I felt something dripping from my mouth.

TREE: Blood?! Leafy what the hell is this?! Let me go get some medicine... Stay here, don't move.

I didn't know how to react honestly. Even if this was weird...
The pills felt good. I enjoyed it. I rested well, I'm happy. Tree eventually came back and told me I might have to stay home. I didn't mind, it was frustrating to walk to school anyway. I looked at my phone, and got a notification from Pin.

r u coming?? where r u??
no im not coming today srry
why? u okay? did something happen???????
geez chill ill tell u when i come

Pin was always like this. But I'm glad she still checks up on me anyway. I wonder really if she's lying about caring...

GRASSY: Grassy says hi Leafy!
LEAFY: Hello!
GRASSY: Look what Grassy drew! (yes, i made an actual drawing. i couldnt help it im so sorrryyyy)

LEAFY: Grassy, you're bound to be an artist! This is very nice!

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LEAFY: Grassy, you're bound to be an artist! This is very nice!

Grassy is my younger brother. He is really adorable, but speaks in 4D person for some reason...? But still is a great companion.

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