7 - Maniac Overdose

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At this rate, I had no idea what to do. This stupid... Note guy keeps making me feel terrible. The pills aren't doing anything, anything at all. I'm so sick of it! But then I thought, what if I open up a bit? Maybe make some new friends, since I barely talked to anyone but my small circle. I thought about that a lot, and made my decision. When I arrive at school, I notice Pen being a bit lonely, so I go up to him and we kind of hit it off.

LEAFY: I'm surprised that we have so much in common!
PEN: Yeah, it's cool!

Then I stared at his eyes. Something about them...
Made me mad. (Seriously).
I asked him if he could follow me, and he agreed. I brought him to a place of the school nobody goes to, and I saw a knife. I told him that this will be quick so he should close his eyes.
When he did... I took that knife.

LEAFY: It'll be quick.

I stabbed him, 27 times. He cried, both for help and tears. He stared at me while I seemed to have no emotion.


I rolled my eyes, and just kicked him. He bled even worse, so I stabbed him one more time and ran away. I had blood on my hands, so I went to a nearby sink station and washed my hands so the blood would be gone. Coiny and Pin notice me and wave at me!

COINY: Hey Leafy! How's it going?
PIN: Hey!
LEAFY: I'm fine, how are you guys?
PIN: Well and fine!

We talked until the bell rang, and that felt like the shortest 20 minutes ever. I saw the note and rolled my eyes. I took it, this time saying:

Dear Leafy, was it fun killing Pen?

I froze. This... This note guy knew my tricks. I was doomed. My life was in this person's hands... And I did something totally random and flipped the paper and wrote "Meet me at [_]". I knew it would never work, but I still did. I went outside and I noticed Blocky and Eraser running to me.

LEAFY: How should I know?
BLOCKY: You were with him right? We saw you.
LEAFY: Ah yeah, he had some class... To... Attend, so I let him... Go?

They stared at me puzzled, I just go. I knew they were onto me, but I shrugged it off. I was at a quiet park, and I realized what I've done. I'm a maniac. I thought of what Pen said... Overdosing on... I was cut short after somebody came to me. Pencil and Match. They came to me, giggling.

PENCIL: I guess you took a smart route, huh?
MATCH: Yeah, like, for once you did something smart.
PENCIL: But killing my brother? Are you a moron?
LEAFY: ...Did you kill Firey.
PENCIL: No, I saw you just kill him LOL.

I snapped, or not me, but I stood up and snapped Pencil in half. Match stared at me like I was a maniac. (Can i stop fucking mentioning mainac for once?!?!? also babes u r a maniac) She tried to run, but I just said;

LEAFY: Try to run, and I'll snap you in half.
MATCH: Like, f☆cking try!

I was about to, when I saw Cake and Loser, so I gave match a death stare and went.

A/N: Pencil really went "Then the room echoed with a snap." 🤣🤣🤣 anyways sorry 4 the late update ughhhhhgggg chap 8 is out soon like in 0 second byee!!


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