1 - It's not going all too well

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It's a cold night. I was supposed to go to Pin's, but it got cancelled because of the crazy rain... I haven't noticed ever, how beautiful the rain really is. But I should sleep, tomorrow is a school day... What's the time— 02:24?! Geez, I should REALLY head to sleep!

ALARM CLOCK ALARMING (i don't know what it's called okay?!?!?)

LEAFY: I hate this alarm clock.
TREE (Calling Leafy): Leafy! Come down!
LEAFY: Coming!

I stand up, but my legs feel... Numb. I can't walk normally. I hear Tree shouting my name but I really can't move...


TREE: Leafy just come— What happened?!

I opened my eyes to see Tree. Gosh he scared me.

TREE: You scared me. What happened?
LEAFY: I don't know. My legs feel numb.
TREE: Okay... Try standing up...?

I try standing up and I trip. I tell Tree I'll still head to school and he reluctantly agrees. I start walking to the kitchen.

LEAFY: Grassy isn't up?
TREE: He has a fever or something. I'm staying home.

I eat my food as usual, but something seems off. I don't feel normal.

LEAFY: I.. Should get going. Bye Tree!
TREE: Bye.

As I walk off, I feel that weird feeling again. But I choose to ignore it. I barely arrived to school and I see Firey, Coiny and Pin.

COINY: There you are! Where have you been?
LEAFY: Sleeping...? Where should I be?
PIN: You dumbass he meant—


LEAFY: Talk after class?
PIN: Yeah.

I go to class and notice a paper on my desk. I open it and it says:

"Dear Leafy, I am writing this to tell you that you are so f☆cking stupid. I'm wondering just why do you still exist? Nobody wants you."

My teacher called me, asking for my attention. I just looked at him. Class goes on, but I still think about that note. If I could, I would remove my overthinkness. I hate it. I hate it I hate it I hate it—

FIREY: You doing okay? We've been calling you for the past what? 3 minutes? What are you doing?
LEAFY: I'm so sorry...
PIN: Firey, don't be harsh... Anyway, it's fine. I noticed you had a paper note though? What'd it say?
LEAFY: That... Note...?
COINY: Yeah I saw it too— Was it a picture of two men kissing if it was I'm so sorry it was—
LEAFY: No what the hell Coiny? It was nothing.

They knew something was up, but didn't question me. After school, I'm home.


TREE: Hey Leafy, how are you?
LEAFY: ...Fine.
TREE: You seem a bit down, did anything happen?

I yelled at him, I didn't mean to. I don't yell at him at all...

LEAFY: Tree... I'm sorry...
TREE: It's fine.

I felt really stupid, so I just went to Grassy's room to greet him.


LEAFY: Hi Grassy! How are you?
GRASSY: Grassy is tired...
LEAFY: Oh... I'll leave. Sorry.

I felt worse. He had time to himself and I didn't let him enjoy himself. I feel so dumb. I rushed to my room immediately.

LEAFY: I should call Pin, maybe she can help me feel better.

PIN: Hey Leafy...
LEAFY: Hi Pin!
PIN: I'm so so so so sorry but I'm super busy! I'll call you back!

LEAFY: That's my fault. I wasted her time.

I made 3 people upset. Or no; 5! I upset Firey and Coiny, didn't I? I'm sick of this. I should skip dinner... It's kind of useless.

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