Chapter 14: interview

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Chapter 14


"That's offensive, fr."


Before we left the Netflix event, one of Netflix's employees said that we had a group interview scheduled, followed by with just me, Gordon, and Dallas. We all agreed to the interviews, knowing it was part of the job, and then headed home, glad that the event had been a success. It had been a long day, but we were all in good moods, laughing and sharing stories as we made our way back.


Once we got back, I headed straight to my room, feeling exhausted.

"I'm so tired..." I groaned, flopping onto my bed as the door shut from behind

"You should rest," Gordon replied, sitting on my bed and pulling out his phone.

"Are you not going to sleep yet?" I asked, lifting my head just enough so my voice wouldn't be muffled by the pillow.

He didn't answer right away. Instead, I heard him tapping and swiping on his phone, lost in whatever he was looking at. But I was too tired to keep my eyes open any longer. The sounds from Gordon's phone began to fade, fading into a soft blur as sleep overtook me. The last thing I remember was the faint sound of a notification before I drifted off to sleep


A few days passed, and it was finally the day of the interview. We got ready and headed toward the location where the interview would take place.

I went for a simple outfit, wearing a plain white knitted off-shoulder sweater paired with black pants. After dressing up, I added some random rings and a necklace from my dresser before leaving my room.

"Took you long enough," Dallas teased as I entered the living room.

"Shush. Hey, where's Gordon?" I asked, looking around the room for him.

"...still getting ready," Dallas replied with a sigh, realizing Gordon was taking his time.

After a few more minutes, Gordon finally got out of his room, ready to go. We left the hotel room and made our way to the parking lot where Dallas had parked his car.

While we were heading to the parking lot, Gordon and I chatted, mentally preparing ourselves for the long day ahead. I couldn't help but feel jealous toward Ian, Lizzy, and Kaiwenttio, who only had to attend one interview instead of two.

When we reached the car, we settled into our usual positions, and Dallas began driving us to the location of the interview.


Once we arrived at the interview venue, we followed the Netflix employee's instructions and entered the building. After a short wait, the interview started.

"Hello! Good morning, everyone. I hope you're all having an amazing day," the interviewer greeted us in a positive tone.

He wasted no time in getting to the point, asking us about the challenges we faced during the filming of ATLA. Dallas suggested we go around in a counter-clockwise order to answer.

"For me, the hardest part was actually fulfilling the role of Zuko. They always said that my personality was farthest from Zuko's, so I had a hard time adapting to his personality during filming," Dallas shared, opening up about his experience.

As each of us took our turn to answer. When it was my turn, I began answering

"For me, the hardest part was...moving away from the country I lived in for more than half of my life."

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