Chapter 13: TADUM

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Chapter 13
pouwgi (pogi)"


Once we were all dressed and ready, we headed out of the hotel to meet up with Gordon’s manager, who was waiting for us in the parking lot. My uncle decided to stay behind at the hotel to take care of Daiyu while Gordon and I attended the event.

We made our way to the parking lot, the sound of city traffic in the background as we walked. Gordon’s manager waved at us, her car parked near the entrance. It was a sleek black SUV, plenty of room for the whole group. We climbed in, we settled into our seats. Dallas took the front seat next to Gordon’s manager, who was driving. Ian and Kaiwenttio sat in the middle row, leaving the back row for Gordon and me.

The car ride was fairly quiet. Most of us slept or just relaxed, listening to the radio's gentle background music, not the best kind of music, but it’s alright. I enjoyed looking out the window at the scenery, watching as we drove by the city. The peaceful drive gave me a moment to gather my thoughts before we got to this hectic event. But eventually, the steady motion of the car made me feel sleepy, and I closed my eyes for a quick nap to make sure I’d have plenty of energy once we arrived.


"Psst, wake up." A familiar voice accompanied by a gentle tap on my head woke me up. I opened my eyes to find that I’d fallen asleep on Gordon’s shoulder.

“We’re here,” he added with a small smile.

“Oh, sorry,” I said, quickly lifting my head off his shoulder.

“No need to apologize, it’s okay,” Gordon replied, his smile warm and understanding.

Once we got out of the car, I saw the huge building where the event was taking place. It was bustling with people, and the excitement in the air was noticeable. Gordon’s manager led the way, and I couldn’t help but feel a mix of nerves and anticipation as we walked toward the entrance. There was something about these events that always got my heart racing.


Somehow, when we got inside the building, me, Gordon, and Dallas got separated from Kaiwenttio and Ian. I don’t even know how it happened, we just looked away for a couple of second and they were gone.

“After five years in the making, we're finally getting a live-action 'The Last Airbender.' Does that come with any pressure, knowing people love the original show so much?” one of the interviewers asked, holding the mic to Dallas's mouth.

“Absolutely, but-” While Dallas answered, I took a moment to look around at the event's decor. It was beautifully done.

A little while later, I heard Gordon answering another question. Then the interviewer turned to me. “So was there any pressure for you guys signing on to it and also like are there going to be easter eggs that they’re fans of the original series will recognize in your show” he asked, pointing the mic toward me.

“I- I don't really know how to answer that, honestly,” I replied with a nervous giggle. “I don’t even think we’re allowed to give out any information about the show to anyone, except maybe family.”

The interviewer chuckled, “Well, I had to ask, right?”

“There was a lot of pressure for me during filming, especially in the first two weeks,” I continued, “but with these guys,” I gestured to Dallas and Gordon, “they made it way more bearable.”

The interviewer shifted the mic back to Gordon. “Talk to me about the cast bonding,” he asked.
“Well, I mean, I don’t even know how to explain it,” Gordon started, “they’re like my family. Like, Dallas is basically my big brother-even though I already have one. I have, like, three big brothers, is what I’m trying to say. uhhh, Kaiwenttio is basically my older sister. We’re all really close. And it’s pretty cool. The whole cast gets along really well. Especially me and Y/N.” Gordon chuckled.
Dallas smirked at what Gordon said, raising an eyebrow at me, which left me a bit confused.

“What?” I asked, glancing at Dallas, who just kept smirking.

It was clear they had something on their minds, but I wasn’t quite sure what it was. Gordon seemed a bit embarrassed by his own words, but the light-hearted mood kept us all in good moods. The event had a way of bringing everyone together.


Just as we were about to head backstage, someone approached us, asking if we could do a quick interview. We agreed, of course,it's all part of the job.

The girl (@Ayn Bernos on tiktok) who approached us mentioned something about the Philippines, and Gordon’s eyes lit up with excitement.

"Philippines! Yeah!" he exclaimed, flashing a huge smile.

"Yeah! I really, really want to chat with you guys!" she replied, her energy matching his.

They chatted for a while, talking about all sorts of things, before she asked Gordon a question.

"Do you know any Tagalog? Do you want me to teach you?" she said, watching him carefully as he pondered his response.

"I know one word, and that's...pouwgi," Gordon replied with a giggle.
(Bro the way Gordon's accent makes it cuter when he says it </3)

I chuckled to myself as he said "pogi," enjoying the way he pronounced it.

"Are you pogi?" the interviewer teased, clearly having fun.

"I'd like to believe I am," Gordon replied, placing his palm dramatically on his chest. I couldn't help but giggle at his playful response.

The interview wrapped up with some more laughter, and just as we were about to go backstage, another interviewer approached us. This time, it was a guy (@tyrell on TikTok), who seemed excited to talk to us.

"Hello, guys, do you mind if I interview you really quick?" he asked, and we all nodded.

"If you had to choose a favorite element other than air, what would it be?" he asked, holding a small mic toward Gordon.

"I mean, obviously I'd probably choose air, but if I had to pick something else...I'D BE UP WITH DALLAS DESTROYING EVERYTHING!" he yelled, striking a dramatic stance. Dallas quickly joined in, mimicking Gordon's over exaggerated stance.

Me and the interviewer couldn't stop laughing on what they were doing, and soon the interview was over. We headed backstage, being able to take a breather after all the chaos...finally.


We made our way backstage and reunited with Ian and Kaiwenttio, who had also been busy with interviews. Before we could head home, we still needed to take some photos and answer a few more questions for the press.

Despite the air conditioning, the venue was still pretty warm, and I could feel the heat rising. But I was having so much fun that it didn't bother me too much. We were all laughing and joking, and the energy was so lively. It was great to be together as a group, enjoying the event and sharing our experiences.


Author's note

Y'all what chapter do y'all wanna see next,idk what to write anymore HAHSHHSHDHSA
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