Chapter 11 : hangout

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Chapter 11


As soon as we got our orders, we made our way back to our table where Dallas, Ian, and Gordon were sitting.

I sat down next to Gordon, giving him a curious glance.
"Why'd Gordon scream? Is something wrong?" I asked, my voice low but filled with genuine concern.

Dallas and Ian looked at each other and gave each other a quick wink, which left me even more confused. I turned my attention back to Gordon, who seemed slightly on edge.

"No... it's nothing," Gordon replied while coughing as if he wanted to change the subject. He was avoiding eye contact with me, and it confirmed my suspicion that he wanted to change the subject. He looked around, as if he was embarrassed to look into my eyes. his usual confident and goofy self replaced with a hint of uncertainty.

"Hmm, alright..." I said, not being entirely convinced by his answer. The way Dallas and Ian were smirking with each other made it clear there was more to it than I knew, but I chose to let it slide for now. I took a bite of my food, hoping to distract myself from the weir feeling that there was something Dallas and Ian knew about Gordon that I didn't. He was my best friend, what could I possibly not know about him?

We quickly got out of that awkward stage and began to talk with each other again as if nothing has happened, But I couldn't shake the feeling that there was a joke or a secret that had slipped past me, something that left me wanting to know more.


After we finished eating, we decided to head over to the nearby park, the one where Gordon and I used to hang out when we snuck out together. This Park had a skateboard area attached to it, and Gordon remembered he'd stashed his skateboard in the back of the car earlier in the day. He'd left it at the hotel with strict instructions to keep it safe, sending countless messages to our group chat to ensure nobody messed with it.

Once we arrived at the park, Gordon made a run for the skateboard area, clearly too excited to remember his helmet and protective gear. He ran past us, eager to get started on his tricks.

"GORDON!!!" Ian called after him, sprinting with Gordon's safety gear in hand. He always reminded me of an over protective older brother...or maybe even a worried mom... but Kaiwenttio was still my favorite unofficial "mom." She had that soothing presence but also a scary attitude from time to time.

"I want ice cream,"

"Then go buy some...?"

"I don't have any money."


"Thanks, Dally," I laughed as the ice cream vendor handed me the ice cream that Dallas had paid for.

he gave me an annoyed look as I took a big lick of the ice cream.
"Yeah, yeah," he said, pretending to be grumpy, but the corners of his mouth betrayed a hint of a smile.

We turned to head back to where we'd left Kaiwenttio and Lizzy, who'd stayed behind while we went to go buy ice cream. The Park was filled with activities, kids running around, people walking their dogs, and a group of teenagers playing frisbee in the open field. It was one of those nights where everything seemed perfect, the kind of evening you never wanted to end.


"Y/N, go get Gordon. We need to head back to the hotel in a bit," Dallas said from where he sat on the grass under a tree. The Park was beautiful, lit by fairy lights with dragonflies flying around, and vibrant flowers blooming everywhere. I felt a twinge of sadness at the thought of leaving, but I knew we could always come back another time.

I got up and headed over to the skatepark where Gordon had been skating for the past hour. I heard the sounds of skateboards echoed as I approached. But as I reached the skatepark, I spotted Gordon crouched near a tree.

I walked up to him, curious about what had caught his attention, and saw a tiny kitten in his hands. It looked a bit scruffy and hasn't taken a bath in ages... and I couldn't help but think it might have rabies or something

"Hey, Dallas said we need to go back," I said, tapping him on the shoulder. He mumbled something, but I couldn't quite hear it.

"Huh? what?"

"Can we keep it?" he asked, still focused on the kitten.

"No..." I replied, but he didn't seem convinced.

"Please," he pleaded, looking up at me with those big, hopeful eyes.

"Hide it in your jacket."

As we walked back, I couldn't help but think about how Dallas and the others would react to me and Gordon unexpectedly brought a stray kitten to the hotel. I was quickly interrupted by Gordon's voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

"What should we name it?" he asked, glancing down at the kitten tucked inside his jacket. The little creature was peeking out, its tiny nose twitching as it took in the new surroundings.

"Your choice," I replied, curious to see what he'd come up with.

He thought for a moment, then smiled.



"Took you two long enough," Ian said as he got up to lead us back to the car. Dallas, Lizzy, and Kaiwenttio were already waiting inside, leaving Ian to guide us back to the car. Dallas thought that we'd panic if we returned to the tree where they have been staying at and couldn't find them, but to be honest, I was kinda hoping they'd forget about us. I wouldn't have minded a bit more time to roam the park.

As we stepped into the car, the kitten in Gordon's jacket started squirming, trying to peek out. Gordon gripped it tighter to try and keep it hidden, earning curious looks from Kaiwenttio and Lizzy, who raised their eyebrows but then quickly shrugged it off. They probably just thought Gordon was being Gordon.

We took our usual spots in the back, the kitten managed to poke its head out of Gordon's jacket, letting out a soft meow. Both of us panicked, shushing the kitten in quietly, but the cat didn't really care. The little guy was determined to make his presence known.

We exchanged nervous glances, hoping the others hadn't heard. Luckily, Dallas and the rest were too busy chatting and figuring out where to stop for food to notice the tiny meows coming from the back.

As soon as we got to the hotel, Gordon and I ran into my room to let the kitten out of his jacket. The poor thing had been cooped up for the entire car ride, and as soon as it was free, it started exploring the room with tiny, curious steps.

"Do you think it's hungry?" I asked, watching the kitten wandering around.

"Yeah... I saw it- him? her? trying to eat a rock earlier," Gordon replied, clearly unsure of the kitten's gender.

"Okay, I'll grab some food," I said, heading out to the kitchen to find something suitable for the kitten

When I returned, Gordon was sitting on the floor with the kitten, keeping it entertained with a makeshift toy.
"I'm back," I said, just as I was about to sit down beside him.

But before I could, the door swung open, and Dallas poked his head in.
"In a few days, we need to go to TUDUM for the Netflix event. Okay, bye" He quickly delivered the news and closed the door before we could even respond.


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