Chapter 1 : zoom calls

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Chapter 1
Zoom calls

March 16,2021

As the much-anticipated day arrived, a gust of nervousness and excitement churned within me. Just as I was mustering the courage to rise from my bed and begin preparing, a gentle knock echoed through my room.

With a weary sigh, I muttered, "Come in," but loud enough so the person behind the door could hear my voice,my voice carrying the weight of exhaustion.

The door creaked open, revealing my mother's warm smile as she entered.

"Good morning, sweetie," she greeted me, her presence bringing a sense of comfort amid the jumble of emotions. "I have to head to a photoshoot today, so I won't be able to accompany you through your Zoom meetings. But don't worry, you can always call your dad for help."

Her words reassured me, and though her absence would be felt, I nodded, feeling a twinge of sadness. She was always so busy, and it seemed like she never had time for me. Oh well, I thought, shrugging off the disappointment. Sucks to suck.

As soon as my mother left the room, I took the opportunity to rise and make my way to the bathroom. With haste, I began the task of fixing myself up before the coming up Zoom meeting, determined to make myself look somewhat presentable.

Emerging from the bathroom, I swiftly changed into a set of comfortable yet presentable clothes, ensuring that I struck a balance between ease and professionalism for whoever might be on the other end of the Zoom call.

As soon as I finished fixing myself up, I eagerly opened my laptop and booted up Zoom. Within moments, another email popped up from the same address that had contacted me a few days prior.

"Hello, Y/N L/N,

The time has come for your interview. We would love to see you there for an interview and some line readings.See you soon!

Best regards,

With excitement bubbling in my chest, I clicked on the attached link, ready to hop onto the Zoom meeting and meet with the potential directors of the show.

With trembling hands, I clicked the link, feeling my heart racing in anticipation. This was it – the moment I had been waiting for. As I joined the Zoom meeting, a group of people greeted me warmly and began firing questions about my experience in the field and what had motivated me to audition for the cast.

The first interview flowed smoothly as I engaged in conversation with the director, discussing the upcoming show and my enthusiasm for the project. As the interview soon ended, the directors expressed their interest in hearing me perform a few lines to gauge my suitability for the role. Eagerly, I accepted their offer, excited for the opportunity to showcase my talent.

May 10,2021

As the days passed with no updates on whether I had landed the role or not, a sense of disappointment began to settle in. I couldn't help but feel down, thinking that perhaps I had just gotten my hopes up for nothing.

Just as I was starting to accept the idea that the role might not be mine after all, an email notification popped up on my screen. It was from the same email address that had conducted interviews with me over the past two months. A surge of hope washed over me as I opened the message.

"Hello, Y/N L/N,

Sorry for the absence in the past few weeks. We have decided to conduct a final interview with you and share some news about the upcoming show. We would be glad to see you in another Zoom call with us on May 14, 2021.

Best regards,

Relief flooded through me as I read the email. It seemed that there was still a chance for me to land the role and potentially save my acting career. With renewed determination, I marked the date on my calendar and eagerly prepared for the final interview.


The day of the interview had finally arrived, and as I awaited the Zoom meeting, a mix of excitement and nervousness swirled within me. Despite my jitters, I managed to regain my composure and prepared myself for the upcoming interview.

When the email with the link arrived, I clicked it eagerly. As the Zoom meeting loaded, I couldn't help but smile at the anticipation of potentially becoming a part of this cast.

As the interview commenced, they fired questions at me, and I did my best to answer confidently. Then, came the big news.

"The character's name isn't really Rin; it's 'Daiyu' from Avatar: The Last Airbender," the director announced, leaving me in shock. A rush of emotions washed over me, and tears welled up in my eyes as the realization sunk in.

"Really..?!" I exclaimed, wiping away the happy tears. The directors chuckled warmly and confirmed, "Yes, really! We would love to have you on our team, and we'll be glad to see you in a few months for boot camp to get you ready for filming."

With a beaming grin, I accepted their offer, overwhelmed with joy at the incredible news I had just received. This was the moment I had been dreaming of, and I couldn't wait to embark on this new chapter of my life and potentially meet new people in the cast.

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