Chapter 2 : Daiyu Lee gyatso

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Chapter 2
Daiyu Lee gyatso
"Monk gyatso's granddaughter"


As I read the script that was given to me by Netflix,I felt nostalgia wash over me as I remembered watching ATLA for the first time..

"Name: Daiyu Lee gyatso
    -11 yr old girl who lives in the southern air 
   temple with Monk gyatso,her grandfather.

Short background (info) : Daiyu, a master of airbending, achieved mastery and received her tattoos shortly after Aang. This fact often left her feeling conflicted; after all, she had been the one guiding Aang in his airbending journey from the start. Gyatso, recognizing Daiyu's skill and trustworthiness, occasionally allowed her to instruct Aang in airbending techniques. Little did he know, Daiyu's teachings often veered into the realm of absurdity, much to their mutual enjoyment. Together, they formed a bond that seemed unbreakable, their antics and adventures intertwining their fates as inseparable companions.

Type of bender : air bender
Sex : female
Father: unknown
Mother: unknown
Age : 11
Flying Bison's name : Oogi

(Scene 1) : On the day of the Great Comet Festival, a day that marked Aang's revelation as the Avatar, he stood poised on the brink of a monumental decision—to flee from his responsibilities. Daiyu, sensing his turmoil, approached him with a worried expression etched upon her features.

"What are you doing, Aang?" Daiyu's voice carried a tone heavy with concern, yet he remained silent, his gaze fixed upon her.

Daiyu realized what aang was up to. Without hesitation, Daiyu declared, "I'm coming with you," her eyes meeting his with unwavering determination, sealing their bond in shared resolve amidst the tumultuous currents of fate.

(Scene 2) : "Daiyu's voice cut through the air, tinged with worry as she called out to Aang, her words trailing behind her like a gentle breeze. 'Aang, wait! Are you sure about this?!' she yelled, her concern palpable in the urgency of her tone."

The rain poured down relentlessly, its rhythmic pattern echoing the tumultuous symphony of thunder's mighty roar. Beneath the tempest's fury, the waves swelled and churned, rising like titans of the sea. In the heart of this elemental maelstrom, they found themselves ensnared, mere mortals adrift in the vast expanse of a raging storm.

As Aang rode silently atop Appa, the dark clouds swirling around them, Daiyu's frustration grew. She longed to return to the safety of the air temple, to the comforting presence of Monk Gyatso. "Aang, wait!" she cried out, her voice echoing against the roaring winds.

But her plea fell on deaf ears as Aang continued forward, seemingly oblivious to her concerns. Suddenly, a towering wave loomed ahead, its monstrous form crashing towards them. "AANG!" Daiyu screamed in terror as the wave swallowed Aang and Appa whole.

With adrenaline coursing through her veins, Daiyu urged Oogi forward, her heart pounding with fear. Frantically searching through the churning waters, she spotted Aang's limp form floating amidst the chaos. With determination in her eyes, she swam towards him, each stroke a battle against the relentless current.

As she reached him, her lungs burning for air, she struggled to keep them both afloat. But just as despair threatened to overwhelm her, a miraculous light began to emanate from Aang's tattoos, enveloping them in a protective cocoon. Suddenly everything turned dark..


Y/N's excitement bubbled over as she anticipated the journey to Vancouver, where the filming of Avatar: The Last Airbender would commence. Every moment felt charged with anticipation as she imagined stepping into the world of bending, adventure, and destiny. With a joyful giggle, she eagerly began packing her bags, her mind already racing with visions of the characters she would bring to life and the stories waiting to unfold on set. As the departure date drew near, Y/N's heart soared with anticipation, ready to embark on this thrilling new chapter of her life.


As the long-awaited day dawned, Y/N's heart fluttered with excitement as she prepared to depart the Philippines for Vancouver, Canada. With a joyous giggle, she retrieved her bag from its resting place beneath her bed, eager to embark on this new adventure.

Descending the stairs, she overheard her mother conversing with her uncle in the kitchen, their words carrying wishes of safe travels. "Speak of the devil... Hi, Y/N," her uncle greeted warmly as she entered the room, eliciting a delighted response from her.

Caught up in the whirlwind of emotions, Y/N's mother couldn't contain her laughter as she observed her daughter's infectious enthusiasm. With a tender smile, she reached out to pinch Y/N's cheek affectionately before expressing her well-wishes for the filming of ATLA

In that moment, as her mother enveloped her in a hug, Y/N felt a rush of warmth and connection that seemed to bridge the gap of years of emotional distance. With a bittersweet smile, she reciprocated the embrace, cherishing the rare display of affection.

Stepping away, Y/N bid her mother a final goodbye, grappling with a mix of emotions as she reluctantly left behind the fleeting moment of intimacy. Nevertheless, with resolve, she collected her belongings and made her way towards the waiting car, anticipation for the journey ahead outweighing any hint of hesitation.


As Y/N's uncle gently nudged her awake in the car, he smiled warmly, reassuring her that they had arrived at the airport. Despite the grogginess from her late-night escapades, Y/N couldn't help but feel a surge of gratitude for her uncle's presence by her side.

Together, they navigated through the bustling terminal, their shared excitement palpable in the air. With each step towards the departure gate, Y/N's nervousness melted away, replaced by a sense of camaraderie and adventure.

As they prepared to board the plane, Y/N's uncle placed a comforting hand on her shoulder, a silent reminder that they were in this together. With a renewed sense of determination, Y/N took her seat beside him, ready to embark on this journey hand in hand.

As the plane taxied down the runway, Y/N stole a glance at her uncle, their eyes meeting in silent understanding. With a shared smile, they knew that no matter where this journey took them, they would always have each other's backs. And with that comforting thought, they soared into the unknown, ready to embrace whatever adventures lay ahead.

Author's note
This chapter is just like some sort of short info for Daiyu so you could get to know her character better.soo yeah I hope u enjoyed reading HSHSHSHHDHSA

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