La Gentillesse Des Étrangers

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Carrouges, Kingdom of France. 4 days later.

After we had seen the soldiers guarding the port of Brest, Bash theorized that Henry and Catherine had sent royal guards to every port of call in France, hoping to re acquire us. That meant that not a one of us was going to leaving France anytime soon. Mary was understandably upset about this development, but I was personally relived. This would hopefully give me more time to convince Mary that Nostradamus was full of shit and that we could still be married.

Thanks to Bash and I killing Tómas, the lion and dragon had never fought on the field of poppies. The only thing that was making Mary believe the stupid prophecy was Aylee dying. That was on me because I forgot to prevent it. I was too busy with my impending marriage that I forgot that Clarissa pushed Aylee to her death. Now, I was trapped in this grip of fear that Mary had.

On the one hand, it was clear that she loved me. The fact that she was willing to give me up, to choose a future without me in it, if it meant my survival. However, it didn't make me feel any better to how deep her love was for me, because I didn't want to continue to live in this world of Reign without her by my side; I refused to. I would rather live 5 years with Mary Stuart as my wife than 50 years without her. Didn't I have the right to choose my own fate? For so many years, I hadn't any control over my life. My sister's addiction to meth and my family's response to it had robbed me of my choices. Now that I finally had the power to choose what I wanted to be and who I wanted to be it with, I was in no great hurry to give it up.

"The sky is getting dark, there's a storm coming." Bash remarked wistfully as we walked along. We no longer had our horses. We had been forced to sell them in exchange for food and shelter over the past 4 days as we made our way through the French countryside; narrowly avoiding anything that resembled law enforcement in the way to where we were going; wherever the Hell that was.

"Perhaps we should find an inn? The last thing we want is to be caught in a storm with no protection from the elements." Mary suggested as she had taken the miles of walking far better than Bash or I had expected her to.

"We only have a few livres left. We might have enough for 1 lodging, but not 3." I explained as there was no point in haggling with an innkeeper when we had so little. The storm came up on us and it was a bad one. Bash, Mary, and I struggled to keep trudging on the road as the rain started getting fast and heavy. I took off my shirt and tried to cover Mary with it to keep her a little more dry, but it was futile. Eventually, a bolt of lightning struck a near by tree and it fell before us

"FRANCIS!" Mary screamed as I dived to get her out of the way of the falling hickory. I somehow managed to avoid the huge tree trunk, but then I felt something heavy hit my head and my whole world went black.

House of Veneur. Carrouges, Kingdom of France. The next day.

When I finally woke up, the first thing that I noticed was that my head stung like a bitch. The next thing that I noticed was that I was in a rather elegant looking bed room. As I stirred, I felt someone moved about the room and then open the door before running out of it. I reached up slowly and felt a wet cloth on my forehead. As I moved the cloth, I felt that there was a pretty decent sized bruise on my head from where the tree branch had hit. As I tried to get up, someone else walked in. From what I could see, he was a noble looking dude with long brown hair that went down to his shoulders and these deep brown eyes that chicks would love.

"I am pleased to see that you are awake, my Dauphin. You took a nasty branch to your head, The nobleman said with a smile as that caught me off guard. Perhaps our disguises weren't as good as we thought.

" you know...who I am?" I asked groggily.

"Thank the King's bastard." He answered. "He brought you here, slung over his shoulder like a new born calf. You happened to be on my land. It took a bit, but eventually he convinced me of your identity. I sent for the local physician."

"Who are you?" I asked again as he chuckled.

"Forgive me, my Dauphin; my manners have escaped me." The nobleman said as he did a dramatic bow. "Tanneguy Le Veneur, Count de Tilliéres, loyal son of the house Carrouges, at your service; milord." The name Carrouges sounded familiar, but I couldn't remember where I had heard it. There were more important things on my mind anyway.

"Where is Mary?" I asked nervously as I tried to sit up.

"Peace my Dauphin, the Queen of Scots is well. She is with my sister, the lady Marguerite Le Veneur." Tanneguy explained with a smile. "When she saw the rags that your betrothed was wearing, she was overwhelmed with pity and demanded that Queen Mary borrow one of her gowns for dinner, praised be that they are close enough in size."

"Dinner, what time is it?" I inquired.

"You slept the day away, but you are just in time for the evening meal." Le Veneur replied. "You must be mad with hunger, my Dauphin. Come and fill your belly." My stomach was sounding like Chewbacca getting off, so I knew that I needed to eat. I nodded as my host left me to dress for supper.


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