Les Préparatifs

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The Next Day.

After I had helped Colin make his getaway, I knew that I was going to have to come up with some sort of explanation for his disappearance. Luckily I had Bash to give me advice. I had decided to wake up early that morning and rope him into teaching me how to fight with a sword. I had no real experience and as a result, Bash was able to kick my ass with ease.

"Well Nolan, you'll need to improve your swordplay considerably if you plan to keep up your cover as the next king of France." Bash chastised me as I picked up my wooden practice sword after Bash had disarmed me.

"Yeah, I'm feeling that." I replied as I took a moment to catch my breath while sitting on the grass in the courtyard.

"One thing still bothers me: if we are to assume that Catherine did put Colin up to this act and it wasn't just out of control lust, what motive would your mother have for ruining Mary's virtue?" My false half brother inquired as he sat next to me.

I had gone to Bash early that morning and confided in him about the incident with Colin and he was surprised that Mary could have invoked the wrath of the Queen of France after only a couple days. I couldn't tell him about the prophecy that Nostradamus had come up with unless I came clean about being from the future. So, I kind of had to leave him in the dark a bit.

"I don't know, maybe she thinks that if we get married and the alliance is assured, France might weaken itself trying to defend Scotland from the English; or that we might bring Bloody Mary's troops onto French soil." I reasoned, trying to throw Bash off the scent.

"To be fair, your mother's fears are justified. Scotland has been an enemy of England for a while now and if we tie ourselves to the Scots, France is going to brought into a war that no one wants." Bash pointed out.

"I know that, but I...care deeply about Mary; and not just as an ally. I can't just abandon her to face the English on her own." I pointed out in return.

"I see your point, all I'm saying is be careful." Bash cautioned me as I patted him on the back.

"Anyway, I was hoping that maybe you could get word to Lola that Colin had to leave?" I asked, not wanting to do it myself and have to tell more lies.

"You can't give her the message yourself?" Bash asked in return.

"Until I figure out why Catherine wants to send Mary packing, I can't be involved in this." I explained to him. He seemed to buy the excuse.

"All right, I'll speak to Lola." Bash relented as I gave him a look of gratitude.

"Come on, I could use some more practice." I insisted as we got back to our training.

The next day.

I stood silently as I listened to my parents discuss Charles's new and impending nuptials. Truth be told, I didn't remember the details of this betrothal too well. It was one of those plot points that was started for no reason and ended the same. Except this one was special. This subplot didn't end, it just...stopped.

Charles was engaged to be married to Mademoiselle whoever for this one episode, the girl came, caused some drama by bringing the English with her, and then disappeared, never to be seen again. It was never confirmed that the engagement fell through, you just had to eventually assume it did when Charles re emerged with open prospects in season 3.

"Let's agree it's a brilliant match." Catherine said, trying to convince Henry. "Madeleine's French, so there's no question of her family's loyalty, very wealthy."

"But not royal, so they're hungry for power." Henry argued.

"They'll pay for it." Catherine shot back.

"It's only right to accept the support of one's loyal subjects." He conceded as she turned to her young son.

"And she has a giraffe!" She exclaimed, trying to sweeten the deal for young Charles. "Well, Madeleine's widely traveled. She's come from far away, by ship."

"Do I get a giraffe, too?" Charles asked with excitement.

"The moment she's your bride." Catherine answered.

"Francis, to show our respect, I want you to accompany your little brother to the landing." Henry commanded me as I knew that sticking to the script was best for now.

"Can Bash come as well?" Charles asked hopefully.

"Charlie, you know that Bash isn't really your brother." Catherine reminded her boy bitterly. "He's just your father's son. His presence is disrespectful."

"To them or you?" I asked in anger before I could think better of it.

"You do not send a bastard to greet guests, especially those you seek to impress." Catherine reminded me as she gave me a cold look that give me a shiver.

"The girl's parents were enjoying Morocco, so they sent her on alone." Henry said, trying to defuse tension.

"Clearly, she was more afraid of meeting her future husband than of pirates." Catherine chuckled as she fussed over Charles. Well, that's to be expected at age seven. She'll get in line, we all do."

"Perhaps I can go with Francis?" Mary offered out of the blue. "I came here, too, when I was a child. Perhaps I can reassure her."

"It's several hours' journey." Henry cautioned her.

"Then we'll take food and treats, I don't mind, really." She insisted as I took her hand in mind.

"I agree, a long carriage ride would give us some quality bonding time." I pointed out, earning a smile from my betrothed.

"On second thought, why don't we greet the girl here?" Catherine said, clearly worrying about the prophecy. "We don't know, the journey might not be safe."

"They'll stay on the King's road." Henry assured his wife. "A dozen well-armed guards will keep any bandits away. Prepare a carriage for Mary, Queen of Scotland."


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