Une Proposition Fatale

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After listening to Henry's English ambitions, I talked Mary into taking a walk with me.

"I'm sorry that my father is complicating the Hell out of everything." I told Mary as we strolled about the castle grounds.

"I don't want the English throne, I never did." Mary insisted as she held my arm as we walked. "All I ever wanted was for England to leave Scotland in peace."

"Mary, you need to know that I will stand behind you, no matter what decision that you make." I assured the woman I loved. "If you want England, I will fight with you. If you don't want it, that's fine too."

"But your father has made it perfectly clear that he expects me to get England for him." Mary reminded me.

"You know what Mary, I don't give a damn what Henry or Catherine or the Vatican wants; all I want is you!" I insisted as I took Mary's hands in mine. I needed her to know how much she meant to me. I had to tell her the truth as best I could. "Mary...please understand...all my life, I have felt the worst loneliness, my parents weren't as present as I needed them to be, my sister...left and never returned."

"Francis..." Mary whispered as she stroked my cheek as I felt myself tearing up. Thinking about Crystal and how the meth had destroyed her...it was the worst kind of pain to watch someone you love go though that. The trauma had followed me like a stalker for so many years, even to Paris. However, ever since I had met Mary, I felt free of it; free to be happy.

"The point is that there has only been 1 person in my life who has brought me true happiness and that is you. You didn't give up on me when I lusted after Olivia and I will never give up on you. I want to marry you and we can figure out what to do about the English thing later." I explained.

"You want to deceive your father into thinking that we agree with him?" Mary inquired in surprise.

"Yes, I would deceive every king in Europe to have you as my Queen." I declared as I dropped to my knees and pulled off 1 of Francis's rings. I looked up as Mary who was stunned and tearing up.

"Mary Stuart, will you be my wife?" I asked as she nodded eagerly.

"Yes, yes!" she exclaimed as I put the ring on her finger. My heart was so full of ecstasy and joy that I couldn't help but lift her up and spin her around as Francis had. I grabbed Mary's hand as we ran together though the sea of grass underneath our feet. We were finally together and in that moment, it felt as though nothing could

After Mary accepted my proposal, the only logical thing to do was to go to my chambers and consummate our engagement. The 2nd round proved even better than the first. Mary always seemed to be such a proper woman in public, but with God as my witness, the Queen of Scots turned into a freaking sex goddess as soon as we crawled under the covers. After we had both reached climaxes of pleasure, I went to refresh myself as Mary rested in my bed.

"I want you to know whatever happens, that I love you." Mary said as she looked at me.

'i know that Mary, but the only thing that's happening is that we're getting married tonight." I assured her as i sat down next to her on the bed.

"I know you're scared, talk to me." I pleaded softly as i grasped for her hand. "If it's about England..."

"It's not politics, it's us." she clarified as I knew that she was trying to say. "We already have so much, to ask for more...Do you think we're testing fate?"

"Testing fate how?" I inquired as if I didn't know. It was clear that Catherine and Nostradamus were getting to her, but it was too early to let her know that I knew about the prophecy.

"By believing we can have everything we ever wanted." Mary replied with worry on her face. "Perhaps that privilege is reserved for gods, not queens and kings, perhaps there is a terrible price to pay.

"We've devoted our lives to our nations." I quoted on script as I looked into Mary's eyes. "We're still taking an enormous risk for our countries, whether we lay a claim to England or defy my father and the Vatican, for what we think is right for our people."

"I like that word, we and our." Mary said as I leaned into steal another kiss from my fiancee.

"Mary, you're so much like me. You've been alone in your struggles your entire life." I replied as I looked into her eyes. My heart was full of love for her and I wasn't ashamed to admit it. "That's over now...I would die for you." Mary's face showed fear for a moment before we heard a loud scream. We quickly raced out of Francis's chambers and found Aylee in a pool of blood at the bottom of a stairway.

"Fuck!" i exclaimed in shock as I was genuinely shocked, but not for the reason the others were. I had been so busy thinking about my engagement to Mary, so caught up in pre wedded bliss, that I had completely forgot about Aylee's death. I forgot that she had drank the poison meant for Kenna, that she had been pushed down the stairs by Clarissa. I could have planned something, found someway to save Aylee, but I had left Aylee slip from my mind and now Mary and her ladies were paying the price for my forgetfulness.

"They found her like this, they came to us, looking for you." Lola said on the verge of tears as Mary went to comfort her friend.

"He said...i'd never go home again." Aylee whispered as Mary held her blood stained head.

"Aylee, no" Mary said as she wept for her lady.

"Too much blood...shed for you." Aylee stuttered as she slowly breathed her last. "You...we must go home now." As the ladies wept for their sister, Mary caught sight of Nostradamus standing off in the distance.

"You are sent from Hell..." Mary growled in anger as I tried to hold her back. "You are the Devil!" I tried to wrap my arms around her, but she broke free. I could see that she believed in Nostradamus now. I was filled with anger at him and Catherine and myself. I stormed over to the seer and I sucker punched him right in the face.

"Leave me alone!" I exclaimed as I grabbed him by his collar. "Go to Hell and take the wicked, evil, murdering Medici bitch with you!" I stormed off in anger as I punched a wall in pure fury.

"This is all my fault...IT'S ALL MY FUCKING FAULT!" I screamed as I realized that my forgetting to prevent Aylee's death had ensured that Mary would believe Nostradamus's prophecy. Our love was all but ruined and it was my doing; or undoing.


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