Who is Hera?

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Hera, the queen of the gods, held a significant position in Ancient Greek mythology. Her marriage to Zeus, the king of the gods, not only elevated her status but also shaped the dynamics of the divine world. She was often depicted as a formidable figure, symbolizing marriage, family, and motherhood.

Hera was known for her beauty, intelligence, and strong-willed nature. If she entered the Miss Universe contest and represented Greece, she would most likely easily win against everyone (except, of course, if Aphrodite, the goddess of love believed to be the most beautiful goddess, also participated in the contest).

Hera's unwavering devotion to her marriage was a testament to her strength. She fiercely defended it against Zeus's infidelities, a trait that earned her both reverence and fear from the gods and mortals alike.

As the goddess of marriage, Hera was a symbol of fidelity and domestic harmony. She presided over weddings and was believed to bless married couples with prosperity and happiness. However, she could also be vengeful towards those who crossed her or disrespected the sanctity of marriage.

Due to her characteristics, if Hera eventually chooses to work in the present world, then these are the potential modern jobs that will suit her:

Marriage Counselor or Therapist: She could work as a marriage counselor or therapist, helping couples navigate challenges and strengthen their relationships. However, be careful not to anger her, or else you might get cursed or snapped in half (remember, despite being a beautiful goddess, she is STILL a goddess, which means she has a physical strength bigger than any mortal man on Earth).Family Mediator: Hera can resolve conflicts and promote household harmony. So, if children are quarreling with their parents, having her as a mediator could be good. The fee might also be low, as she is already wealthy (she is THE QUEEN OF THE GODS, duh!)Women's Rights Advocate: Hera's strong-willed and independent nature could make her a passionate advocate for women's rights and empowerment, working to address issues such as gender equality, domestic violence, and reproductive rights. So, if there are conservative men who keep looking down on women (e.g. who think that women only belong to the kitchen and stuff), then be prepared to have a one-on-one meeting with her. Event Planner or Wedding Consultant: As the goddess of marriage, Hera could excel as an event planner or wedding consultant, organizing and overseeing weddings while bringing blessings of prosperity and happiness to couples. Politician or Advocate for Family Policies: Hera's concern for family well-being could lead her to engage in politics or advocacy, championing policies and initiatives that support families, childcare, and parental leave.

Overall, Hera's mythology portrays her as a complex and powerful deity, embodying themes of marriage, family, loyalty, and the challenges faced by women in positions of authority and influence.

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