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"Can we sort this out?"

"Not now..."

"Lee Nara..." Hyunjae sighed through the phone call which Nara could imagine him cupping his hip before he ran his hand through his hair. "Okay... Maybe, I did something wrong to you. But, if you keep avoiding me like this, how can I know? How do we solve this problem?"

It was then Nara's turn to sigh, but even she couldn't identify what it was. Either the frustration from talking to her husband or because her reflection in the mirror looked terrible. Her complexion wasn't good - she was pale, and once in a while she felt her head spinning which would trigger the nauseating feeling in her stomach.

She wondered if Hyunjae really couldn't tell from her voice - that she was sick. Did he finally call today just because she did not show up at the shop? So, he thought she was making an attitude again?

"I'm not avoiding," she momentarily paused, taking in a deep breath. "I'm not feeling well, that's all."

"You what? Why? What happened? Have you eaten? Do you have any meds with you?"

The bombarded questions made Nara chuckle while holding back the desire to roll her eyes. She might have given him an attitude - sulking and getting angry at a simple thing, but running from the problem wasn't her cup of tea. She just needed a space and time to think after many things struck her at one time.


And Nara found herself softened when Hyunjae was calling the nickname. Unknowingly, she responded with a soft hum that was audible through the phone speaker.

"I'll come pick you up, hmm?" Hyunjae attempted, though he probably knew what would be her answer. "I miss you and I'm going crazy right now."

Nara's lips subtly tugged upwards at the last comment which was concreted with Haknyeon's faint speech in the background that sounded like 'I can confirm that.' But, did Nara decide to agree?

No... Go on another day missing me, she evilly thought alone.

"Let me rest for a day. I'll think about seeing you tomorrow," she shrugged as if Hyunjae could see.

Nonetheless, despite the disapproval from the husband, he still agreed with one condition.

"Please let me know how you're feeling," was what he said before they ended the call.

Tossing her phone aside, Nara resumed looking at her reflection. She couldn't help asking what she did wrong that she had to bear with all these at one time. All the findings she eventually earned while carrying out her plan to tell the world what was happening a year ago were too much for her to endure.

The biggest plot twist that had her crumbled to the core was: that those people who she thought were the kindest souls were nothing but the cruelest.

It was then that knocks were heard on the door which left her froze. For a brief moment, she thought she might have misheard but another set then echoed, Nara jolted up and rushed to open it.

And she was greeted by none other than Kim Younghoon.

"Why are you here?" She asked with a frown on her face. "Aren't you supposed to be working?"

Younghoon didn't answer but instead, he took a step closer and Nara immediately stepped back. His tall body suddenly leaned down, and his sharp eyes lingered over her face.

"Mom is right, you do look pale," he concluded and straightened his body. "I'll take you to the doctor."

So, you can kill me? Nara thought, the anger from yesterday still consumed her wholly.

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