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They weren't leaving - the memory of the conversation she had with Mia. Although Nara was now in a different setting and with a different person, she kept hearing Mia's voice talking about it.

There must be some people who were not fond of the kindness.

Nara unknowingly scoffed, her hands were balled in fists without she even realized. So, this is what betrayal feels like, she thought alone as she stared at nowhere through the transparent wide glass wall that let her access the sidewalk outside.

She must have been consumed with too much rage right now. She wondered what she really looked like now because the glass in front of her couldn't even show her reflection. Did she end up making a sound from clenching her jaw too tight to alert everyone around her that she was mad?

Because the next thing that happened was she felt a soft grasp around her left fist that slowly was untangling it until the person could slip their fingers in between hers. Nara eventually softened and the rage slowly but surely faded as the warmth spread from the touch all over her stiff body.

So, she then looked up at the demeanour next to her, watching at his side profile that could drive her insane. She seemed couldn't stop admiring every little thing about him - his appearance and his features, she was obsessed with her own husband. And that was what Hyunjae felt towards her as well.

"You could've broken your bones," Hyunjae childishly pouted as he looked at her. "Crush mine instead."

He beckoned down to their intertwined hands, slightly shaking them. It led Nara to make a face of disapproval. How could she not when Hyunjae knew how obsessed she was with his pretty hand?

Although Nara didn't say anything afterwards and just stared at her husband's face, the slight pout made Hyunjae smile and tighten his grasp on her. He knew the anger in her probably hadn't subsided yet but he also knew he could distract her from thinking about it.

And somehow it seemed effective because Lee Nara was then clinging around his long arm, feeling the biceps against her cheek.

"How do you know how to light my mood up?" She asked, cutely blinking as she looked up and found his dark orbs. "You've never failed so far. Like you really, know what I'm feeling."

Hyunjae chuckled - a bit proud of himself. He must say that any compliment that came from his wife would always made him cocky. And when it happened, it would only mean one thing - It's time to brag.

"Are you seriously asking me that?" At his question, Nara pulled away, increasing the gap between them. "I am your husband, love. I know how are you feeling just by looking at your posture and facial expression."

"Oh... And what did I portray earlier?" She pondered, genuinely curious.

Hyunjae stared outside through the glass again, watching the people pass by the shop they were in - not their flower shop, obviously. A weird sound escaped his lips as he tried to interpret the picture he saw earlier into words.

"You look like... a mad dragon with fire flaring out of your nose."

"Lee Hyunjae..." Nara sternly called his name but it never scared him.

Even though she was glaring, Hyunjae just laughed it off. And when she raised an eyebrow, he was still laughing at his joke. But, when Nara let go of his hand and turned on her heels to walk away, Lee Hyunjae started to sweat.

"Hey... hey," he quickly reached for her hand, tightly grasping it again. He was well aware that Nara would go silent when she was mad and it scared him when she did that to him. He did not want to lose the ability to see his favourite smile on her face. "I'm sorry. You're the prettiest in my eyes."

"Tch..." she chuckled, playfully rolling her eyes. "Such a sweet talker."

It was then, that their moment getting disturbed when a voice echoed announcing their arrival. "Sorry for making you wait."

A tall man with a friendly face came, greeting them from behind the display full of devices. The smile on his face, as he flickered his gaze between the couple, was soothing that none of them felt the time really wasted by waiting for him. After all, it was understandable to be busy.

"So... what can I help you two with?" He asked with a beam like how he normally did with his other customers.

But, then, his smile seemed to fade when he locked his gaze with Nara. For, the female was bringing an aura that he couldn't bear. It was dark and it seemed would weigh him down if he did not do well.

"I need your help to recover something," she started, rummaging into her handbag that she rested aside on the stool while waiting earlier. The transparent ziplock bag Hyunjae collected from Sangyeon the other day then made its appearance. "I need all to be recovered."

The man gulped but a part of him was excited when he inspected the bag thoroughly. This kind of request was like a toy for him and this shop was his playground.

"May I have in detail what kind of 'all' that you mean?" He smirked which somehow scared Hyunjae to the core.

It reminded him of the day he passed the broken device to her. He was expecting to see a disappointment on her face but instead, Nara just blankly stared at it and smiled. Yes, she smiled. There was nothing to be smiled about but she did.

And her speech afterwards was still haunting him, "Never mind. We can sort it out."

"The system, the storage. Everything," Nara told the man who tugged the widest smile afterwards.

After getting her details written on a small piece of paper - that was said would be used to contact her once the job was done, the two left the store hand in hand towards where Hyunjae's car was parked. He couldn't help but invite the silence upon them, but neither did he know why was that.

He simply came to the telecommunications shop today with her without knowing the exact reason to be there. He thought that Nara just wanted to replace the broken phone with a new one, but little did he know she had a different plan.

"The accident has changed you," he said as they trailed the sidewalk, Nara took an abrupt halt before she glanced over at him.

"What does that mean?" She pondered as Hyunjae exhaled a large amount of oxygen before he met her eyes.

"You have been so secretive and I don't like it," he shook his head. "I am your husband, Nara. I am supposed to protect you but you decide everything on your own. This... is not you."

"This is me, Hyunjae. I am Lee Nara."

"Then, tell me what that was all about? Why do you want to get the phone fixed? What was so important in there that you want to retrieve?"

Nara was unfazed. Somehow, seeing Hyunjae snap made her feel frustrated. It felt like he was pushing her too fast to get all this done while she just wanted to take it slow.

"I'll make sure to explain everything later," she eventually let his hand off - something she would never do, and walked away.

Hyunjae was left speechless with slightly apart lips as he scoffed at his abandoned hand. She's even giving an attitude now, his head said, not intending to say it aloud because it would serve no good for their relationship.

So, Hyunjae jogged ahead, slipping his hand under hers before he intertwined them again. He didn't look at her but the track ahead though he knew his wife was staring at him weirdly.

"I know you are angry, so you can stop talking to me for a while," he said, pocketing his free hand. "And I am angry as well, so please understand that I won't be looking at you for a while."

Nara raised an eyebrow that was caught even from the corner of his eyes. She probably was asking 'Then, why do you hold my hand?' which Hyunjae had prepared the answer.

"I don't know about you, but our skin getting connected will make my anger disappear."

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