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"You know what can I conclude?" Sangyeon suddenly spoke from the left side of the hospital bed, arms crossed over his chest as he slumped against the chair.

His mother on the bed stopped sipping her drink as she looked over at him, giving all of her attention. For, her instinct as a mother somehow was screaming that whatever it was, she had to focus.

"I think, they..." Sangyeon paused, as he pointed at Nara on the other side of the bed who slightly flinched as she was called out. "Are arguing."

"Who? Nara and Hyunjae?" The mother was furious, and her eyes widened as she looked at her daughter. "Why? What happened?"

Nara scoffed, holding back her desire to roll her eyes. Especially when she spotted her brother's evil smirk with that damn raised brow. She was super angry.

"We are fine..." She lied.

Wasn't it obvious that the couple wasn't even okay? The bickering they had yesterday was still controlling her wholly, they even parted ways in silence when Hyunjae sent her home. Even today they had planned to stay with her mother in the hospital, but they didn't come together. Neither did Hyunjae inform her that he would come to pick her up, nor did she call to ask where he was.

They literally, did everything on their own.

But, Nara was curious about how her brother could tell. If it was a mere guess, she wondered how he could've guessed. Maybe, he noticed the bouquet of purple hyacinth she instructed Haknyeon to deliver to the hospital?

But, he never understood flowers, she hardly thought.

Nara honestly felt bad towards Hyunjae. At one point, she thought that maybe she was too much for being too emotional for a simple thing. He was just concerned so why must she give an attitude?

Despite the ego and the not-yet-subsided anger built up inside her, she decided to get the hyacinth - must be purple, for him. Though she wasn't very sure if by now, Hyunjae already excelled in the flower's language, she still would be giving the flower.

For, purple hyacinth would be telling the receiver how sorry the giver was.

"I am not easy to lie to," Sangyeon said, taking out a cuticle from his finger. "Unfortunately."

"Who's lying?" Unfazed, Nara retaliated which caught her family members off guard.

Both of her mother and brother then exchanged glances before they looked back at her. They were hoping to see her joke around but on her face was pure anger.

"Nara, is everything okay? Why are you so sensitive?" Her mother then reached for her hand, squeezing it lovingly.

"I think I need some fresh air," she huffed to the ceiling. "It's a bit hot inside here."

"Is it?" Sangyeon made a face while checking the air cond's remote. 22 was what appeared on the small screen which made him frown next. "This is... fine."

For a brief moment, the female hoped that her brother was mute. It probably was a normal thing to have a sibling fight, but Nara seriously, wasn't in the mood to deal with one. For, her brother could be so annoying once he started.

So, she aimed for the door to leave but then her eyes caught the sight of the hyacinth she placed beside her chair. She was thinking of pulling it out just after Hyunjae arrived - something like a surprise, but that guy was nowhere to be seen.

"Pass the flower to my husband once he arrives," she told her mother and brother. "If he doesn't come, just throw it away. I don't care."

"You two are arguing," Sangyeon concreted his assumption as Nara rolled her eyes and walked away.

Slamming the door closed once she was outside, she leaned sturdily against the wall. She didn't know what exactly made her so furious right now. Was it because Hyunjae never called? Or it was simply because he was late? Or was it because he seemed to want to avoid seeing her?

He was late for an hour now and 10 minutes prior, Nara had texted Haknyeon asking if Hyunjae had left the shop. And the answer was 'He was still here'. She started overthinking after reading the text - a talent only for women, and the ego in her seemed to be increasing with every ticking of the clock.

If he didn't want to be here, or he didn't want to see her, that was okay. I have nothing to lose, she thought although deep down it seemed forced to come across her head.

Nara then trailed the hallway and did not have any specific place in mind to head off. She just wanted to clear her mind from the unwanted thoughts and come back stronger to carry out her plan. Getting distracted right now was already a waste of time.

She dragged her feet until she reached the area she was too familiar with. It was the place where the rollercoaster ride of her life started after the accident. Not knowing anything about the world, this place had been her comfort zone while she was recovering and trying to have her memory returned.

Looking back, she'd never come after the fateful day she found out about who she was. Younghoon never asked either and that was quite surprising.

Speaking of that guy...

"What is he doing here?" Nara's small body fortunately fit to hide behind the plastic plant they put in the hallway - the only thing she could find, upon spotting Younghoon walked out from the doctor's room with the doctor.

Their gap wasn't that far, maybe it was approximately 8 feet and the female unknowingly held her breath. It was as if every breath she let out would be catching attention.

But, then, she found herself did not know how to breathe properly as she accidentally heard the conversation the two had.

"It's the best. She doesn't have to remember anything," Younghoon was heard speaking.

Is he talking about me? She tried to hear more.

"But Dabin has the right to know about her past life," the doctor advised. "However, if you two have talked about it, then, it will be okay. I'll provide the meds only when needed."

They are talking about me, she inaudibly scoffed.

Nara couldn't see this, but Younghoon was smiling before he added, "If possible, could you please describe her with weaker meds? She has no desire anymore to remember. So, maybe you can give her something that will cure her headache. Not something that will help her remember."

Her heart fell to her stomach and her breath hitched in her throat. What kind of nonsense request is that? Nara felt her world stopped moving and her feet almost lost their desire to stand. But, she couldn't show herself crumbled here. Otherwise, Younghoon would catch her off guard.

So, Nara rushed to the emergency stairs nearby, pushing the door slightly harsh before she disappeared inside. She quickly reached for the railing for support and slid down to the floor.

"The lie..." She felt her chest suffocated. "Why must he lie?"

She admitted that she once thought that Younghoon was the kindest soul. Even when he slowly changing, Nara just simply thought that something was disturbing him. But, catching him lying about her stance did not make her feel fine.

"He doesn't want me to remember," a loner tear unknowingly fell from her eye. "Why? Is he afraid that I will expose him? That he was related to the accident?"

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