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For a couple of months after Dean's confession, the trio of hunters worked back to back jobs. Both Sam and Alex knew that Dean was running from his feelings. Alex tried to talk to Dean about it, but he would just brush her off like he would with Sam, so she would have to be patient and hopefully catch him before he broke.

They had one case of two children living beneath a house, who were cannibals and were the children of a woman who used to live in the house. Unbeknownst to the hunters when they arrived, the house had been sold to a family whom they had to save before anyone could get killed. The next one consisted of a magician who was killing people during the acts. Then they found a case in the boys' old high school, which was interesting because Sam knew the ghost who was haunting the school. Their most recent case involved a siren posing as a stripper. Bobby ended up saving them because the siren had gotten to all three of them.

They were now in a diner getting some food after a few hours of driving. Alex was over at the jukebox with Dean trying to get it to work while talking with him. Sam was on the phone with Bobby at the table.

"...Okay, Bobby, thanks." Sam hung up as the other two walked back over.

"What's up?" Dean asked as he and Alex sat down across from Sam, both digging into their burgers.

"Bobby found something in Wyoming." Sam replied.

"A job?" Alex questioned.

"Maybe. Small town, no one's died in the past week and a half."

"That so unusual?"

"Well, it's how they're not dying. One guy with terminal cancer strolls right out of hospice. Another guy gets capped by a mugger and walks away without a scratch."

"Capped in the ass?" Sam turned his laptop around and showed the two the article of the man that survived the mugging.

"Police say Mr. Jenkins was shot in the heart at point blank range by a nine millimeter."

"And he's not a doughnut?" Dean asked with a mouth full of burger.

"Locals are saying it's a miracle."


"It's got to be something nasty, right? I mean, people making deals or something." Dean and Alex both considered the idea. It could be possible.

"You think?" The girl asked, stuffing some fries into her mouth.

"What else could it be?" Sam asked.

"I don't know."

"Alright." Sam put his laptop in his bag and then looked at the other two, who continued to eat their burgers, "Get that to go." Sam told them, but they didn't move and just continued to eat, both having half a burger left on their plates, "Come on." Sam stood up, swinging his bag over his shoulder, but neither hunters move. "What?" Dean looked up at Sam, glanced away then back at him.

"Sure you want us coming with you?" Dean asked.

"Why wouldn't I?"

"We don't want to be holding you back or nothing." Alex replied for Dean. Sam had told them both, while under the siren's influence, that they were holding him back. He'd rather be hunting alone and looking for Lilith. And having both Dean and Alex back on the road with him made him feel like they were holding him back from doing what he was before.

"Guys, I've told you a hundred times, that was the siren talking, not me. Can we get past this?"

"Yeah, we're past it." Dean said while Alex nodded in agreement, avoiding the younger Winchester's gaze. The two go their meals to go, then they headed out to the Impala to start their drive to Wyoming.

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