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It had been a wild, chaotic few months. Alex and the boys dealt with the Seven Deadly Sins in Lincoln, Nebraska; apparently, they were actual demons. Then they went on to Cicero, Indiana, where Dean had found something a little weird, but he had actually wanted to hook up with an old fling named Lisa. Alex tried to ignore the hot feeling bubbling in her stomach at the thought of another woman having Dean’s attention. Even if she wished that she could, Dean wasn’t hers to claim, so she felt she had no right to feel jealous, and she wasn’t sure if Dean felt the same about her. She was too afraid to do anything, so she would just have to endure it.

It turned out that there was a job in Cicero; changelings. The kids in a gated neighborhood were being replaced by changelings, but the trio of hunters figured out that the real kids were being kept alive. Once they rescued the kids and killed the mother changeling, they took the kids back to their homes, the last one being Ben, Lisa’s boy. Alex had waited in the Impala while Dean talked to Lisa. When he came back out, she could tell something was bothering him.

“Were you hoping Ben was actually your son?” She asked him.

“You noticed it, too, huh?” he chuckled, then let out a sigh, “Yeah, a little.” He started up the car and began driving back to town.

“I could use a drink.” Alex commented, glancing at the man next to her, who nodded in response.

“I could use one too.” He said as he turned into the lot for a dive bar. The duo climbed out and walked into the bar; Dean held the door open for Alex, allowing her to walk through first. They found a booth in the corner after grabbing a couple of beers.

“Why were you hoping Ben was your kid?” Alex asked after a moment of silence between them.

“I don’t know.” Dean shrugged, focusing on the beer in his hand. “I’d been thinking, with everything that’s happened… the deal and only having a year left, I’m gonna be gone, and what am I leaving behind besides a car?”

“You’re leaving behind more than a car, Dean.” Alex said, firmly, making Dean look up at her, “you are a brilliant hunter. You’re leaving behind a legacy. Before I met you, I heard a lot of stories about you from other hunters, and Bobby talked about you a lot. Bobby is very proud of you, even though you’re an idjit.” Dean chuckled, nodding his head at her ‘idjit’ comment.

“Yeah, I guess I am an idjit.”

“Damn right, you are. You think you have nothing to lose when really you have everything to lose,” Dean gave her a confused look, “You are a selfish bastard for bringing back Sam.”

“You know what--” Dean started, throwing his hands up.

“Let me finish,” Her stern tone cut him off, “You are a selfish bastard, but… if I had any siblings, I probably would’ve done the same thing. You and Sam are all that you’ve got for each other, so I get it. But you really got a fucking crap deal that you shouldn’t have taken. You’re leaving behind good people that care about you.”

“Yeah, I guess.” Dean shrugged.

“You guess? I haven’t known you long, Winchester, but I like to think that we’re best friends.”

“Of course we are, Lexi, you’re the only one who laughs at my jokes.”

“Only your good ones; the bad ones, I give you this face…” she pointed at her face as she made a deadpan look, which made Dean chuckle.

“Yeah, you do make that face a lot.” Alex smiled as she finished off her beer, then raised her hand to flag down a waitress, ordering two more beers.

“If you weren’t going to hell in less than a year, would you ever want kids?” The brunette asked, her curiosity getting the best of her. 

“Uh… yeah probably.” Dean answered, “If I wasn’t in this life, I would settle down with a girl, pop out a few kids and have that perfect apple pie life. What about you? Would you ever want to settle down?”

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