An Argument To Remember (Trio + Miu Angst)

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"What the actual fuck Kaeru?! We wake up to find that you not only died and kind of sacrificed yourself, but lied to Pooichi, the stupid idiot AND this lying abortion?!"

"That's the part you decide to focus on? Aki-San lying to us-"

"Shut up, you know what I'm trying to fucking say, idiot!" Miu was seething as she looked at Ichika with a look of bewilderment before briefly squabbling with Kaito and his slight protest with her insult. Although, Kaito looked just as pissed. Kokichi's face however remained blank.

All four of them within a small room. All in hospital gowns as two of them had just been discharged, except for Kokichi, Ichika and a few others, like Korekiyo and Gonta as their deaths took more time to heal mentally and physically for the body. While Kokichi should still be in his room, healing, Miu had dragged him and Kaito into the main living room to watch the rest of the killing game as it had been broadcasted. They didn't know what to expect after their deaths but it certainly wasn't this. They were pissed for all different reasons, before it was explained to them in a calm manner by none other than Shuichi. Which made sense, apparently, in some order. The survivors woke up first, then Kaede, Rantaro and continuous in the order of who died after them and so on.

Of course, like at the beginning of the game, Shuichi and Kaede were stuck to each other like glue. Kaede had her hand interwoven with Shuichi's as a way to calm his nerves and the waterworks that started as he explained midway through. It was obvious that Shuichi needed sleep. It looked like the poor teen hadn't slept in over 20 years and like he was on the verge of collapsing with those deep eyebags. No one made a comment on it.
Through that explanation, it led Miu, Kaito and Kokichi to wait patiently for Ichika to wake up and allowed them to steam in their anger and try to find a way not to explode on her when they next talk.

Ichika and Kiibo were the last to wake up and while everyone applauded their happy return to reality, there were a few who weren't so happy with the actions of others that happened in the killing game.

Tsumugi, having been the first out of everyone to wake up and filled in on what she had done.
There were members of staff walking around, aka the glorious previous members of the killing games.
Class 78 and 77, to fill them in on what would happen to the cast next. What had happened was, after class 78 woke up from their killing game, (ALL ALIVE AND WELL, I REFUSE TO ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THEY ARE CANONICALLY DEAD, EVEN HIFUMI), they all banded together to make the Future Foundation with other members of staff that helped with their recovery from the game and disproved of the killing games, fake or not. And so it was a cycle that repeated with class 77 and now with class 79. Though confusion was cleared up as to show that they were only the 3rd killing game not 52nd class to go through such trauma.

To the room they were in now. Though Shuichi did advise them to not be too harsh on Ichika as she apparently had seemed to plan her demise from the very beginning, from the clues they vaguely found; it didn't stop them from being pissed at her. He had even said that he will need to be having a talk with her after they're done with her.

Kokichi had slapped her across the face. And a hard one at that despite the boy's size. To be fair, she was a whole two inches shorter than him so maybe the impact hurt more since she was the smaller of the two. There was a look of anger on his pale and malnourished face. Scrunched up with what looked to be regret and remorse, but more so anger. There beside Kokichi, stood Miu and Kaito in shock. Both looked equally as shocked as the other at the outburst of the Kokichi Ouma. To which Miu had never seen before and Kaito only saw what was a glimpse of how he really felt during their final moments. Throughout the entire 2 minutes they had entered the room, Miu had been shouting profanities left and right while the taller of all four of them, Kaito, was chipping in and agreeing with said profanities and adding his own criticism to Ichika's actions.

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