Squid Game AU Maki x Ichika

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Ichika's voice ringed through Maki's ears. She had to resist the urge to turn around to look at the short girl, knowing that if she did, she could do something stupid to get killed. That's what this game is about.. Survival, don't help anyone, just yourself.

"Thank you..-" Ichika's sweet and genuine smile beamed at the back of Maki's head. Tears rimmed around her eyes as she stood still, waiting patiently for Ichika to speak again and for the last time.

"-For playing with me!" If Maki wasn't holding back, she would have collapsed to her knees right then and there in front of Ichika with tears streaming down her face. But she could, she had to stay strong...

She couldn't stop her tears though as a bang was heard from behind her that ringed through out the small area they had been stationed to. Her tears streamed down her red tinted cheeks as she walked down a couple of steps. Feeling weak at the knees, she held on for as long as she could, wiping her tears away when the winners of the game had to be transported back to the main area.
Winners.. Yeah right. This game was meant to make us feel like losers at the same time. Going with someone we trust or know well, then end it off right in front of us..

'I will win this game. Even if it gets me killed..'

(The version I wish could happen)


Ichika's voice ringed through Maki's ears again, like deja vu.
In that moment she had to quickly debate to herself if she should turn around to face Ichika or not, be decided against it and stood still. Ichika. She's a brat but she's selfless.

"Thank you..-"

Maki noticed how Ichika's voice went soft at the end of her sentence, she already hated her Ichika was going to get killed, she didn't want to feel anything more to the sadness she's dealing with, but the tears still came at the corner of her eyes as she fought hard not to let them fall.

"-For playing with me!" Maki knew well enough not to turn around but she did anyway. Her tears flowed freely down her face as she ran towards Ichika, Ichika herself surprised at what Maki was doing with wide eyes.

"Aki-San!" She steadily gripped Ichika's hand and kicked the guard in the balls. Running with a shocked Ichika she rounded into a corner or the alleyway, making sure no one was coming after them for now.

"You idiot..!" Maki hissed, but her usual vemon covered tone was gone and replace with one of slight anger to it.

"Maki-San, what are you doing your going to get killed! I'm the one who should be dead on the floor-" Maki grabbed her by the shoulders and pressed her lips against Ichika's. Breaking apart quickly she looked up at Ichika.

"Don't think much of it. Just a reason to shut you up. And for your information brat, I lost Kaito already, I don't want to lose you too.." Her cheeks heated up as Ichika shook Maki's grip off her shoulders. She pulled Maki into a embrace and nuzzled the crook of Maki's neck.

"I don't want to lose you too, but I lost the game.. I'm sorry Maki-Roll." Maki sniffed, wiping her tears away.
Quickly locking lips with Maki, Ichika smiled softly through the kiss, before breaking it off and stepping out of the small alleyway, into the open, where a guard had spotted her.

"Number 242. Stay where you are." The guard approach her and noticed Maki standing there with a shocked and sad look.

"Both of you, stay where you are." He pointed his gun and them and they both stood beside each other.

"Guess this is the end, huh?"

"Yeah. It is."

"Number $#;, since you are a winner of the round, you will be let off with a warning go back to your station." Maki looked over to Ichika with a frown before Ichika took hold of her hand, nodding. Maki hesitantly started to walk away slowly, her tears coming back to haunt her.

"Thank you Maki-Roll.."


The tears came and fell down her cheeks, leaving her alone with her thoughts once again..
Survival can be such a sad thing and this game has proved it. Survival is key, it's torture, it's lonely and it can break you from the inside out, but it's what gets us going in the world. Survival fucking sucks.

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