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Totally didn't forget about this book for a short time 😅

Anyway on Ao3 I've posted 2 pieces of fanfic. One that's Danganronpa and the other is BNHA.

That's my username if you want to check my work out! All triggers, ships and such like that is warned and said in the books!


"Y/NNNN!" Ichika calls out while she roamed throught the hallways of the school on a search for her beloved. Well the person she likes but hasn't confessed to yet, so crush per say.
She skips down the hallway and turns a corner to the casino to find her crush playing with Kaito.

"HOW, HOW ARE YOU BEATING ME, HOW IS EVERYONE BEATING ME AT THIS GAME?! EVEN HIMIKO BEAT ME AT IT AND SHE WAS SLEEPY HALF THE TIME!" Kaito scrunched his face up in disbelief as he lowered his voice and grumbled, continuing to play with Y/N.
Y/N simply laughed with, their cheeks tinted with light pink, proud of the accomplishment of beating Kaito.

"That's because your so focused on purely winning, you don't look for any disadvantages you have in your play; allowing me to take that wonderful opportunity and using it to your disadvantage! And since you don't look into it, I win by a fucking landslide space boy!" They snorted as Kaito banged a fist on the table, and tried to flip it over.
Ichika walked in with a smug grin.

"Losing again Kaito? And you said you were good at these games!" She sniggered, joining Y/N by their side and turned to them.

"I want a game against you Y/N. What do you say?" Ichika bounced her heels with a sly grin, you could say she copied from Kokichi, but with her own mischievous look to it.
Y/N looked weary but went for it. Why not, what worse could it do other than getting laughed at like Kaito?

Y/N agreed and played against Ichika. Kaito stood to the side and watched, prepared to cheer for the side whose winning. Half an hour later and Ichika was the winner with a satisfied looking Y/N.

"Good game Ichika. It was nice playing against you, we should do this again sometime!" Y/N held their hand out to Ichika, a light blush on their cheeks that wasn't there when they earlier congratulated Kaito with their game. They smiled sweetly and Ichika felt her heart beat at a faster pace, before she shook their hand firmly with a cheeky smile. Ichika then walked off and round the corner, she walked in such a way that made Y/N's eyes linger on her before she turned the corner. Kaito watched from his corner and looked at Y/N with a knowing look.

"Dont look at me like that! One day I'll try-" Y/N looked away from Kaito and the path Ichika took out of the room, with a steady blush across their cheeks in embarrassment.

"Maybe today is that day? Y/N seriously, there isn't a lot of us left.. I think you should confess while you have the chance!" He pumped his fists together with a determined grin while Y/N looked back at the exit, their blush deepening as they pouted.

"Okay, okay. I will, it's now or never right?"

With that Y/N ran out of the room and trailed after Ichika, figuring out she was in her dorm. They took a shaky breath and knocked on Ichika dorm, it was only a few seconds later did Ichika open the dorm and grin.

"Y/N, have you come to ask for another round?" Y/N shook their head and took a deep breath and pushing Ichika into her room; walking in with her, before shutting the door.

"Getting risky huh?~ Or are you here to kill me?" Ichika flirted before her smile looked fake and her eyes dull but went wide, and made a cold chill go down Y/N's spine. Y/N mentally made sure to  note that they shouldn't scare Ichika with something like that in the future.
Without a word though, they walked up to Ichika, giving Ichika enough time to back away, but she didn't and stood there looking at the approaching Y/N.

'I don't know if this will work like it does on the movies but, I might as well try.'
Y/N thought before cupping Ichika's cheeks and leaning in, pressing their lips against Ichika's in a chaste kiss. When Ichika stilled and didn't kiss back after a few seconds; Y/N pulled away.

"S-sorry.. I, um I thought you would like that. Oh god, I didn't ask you for consent or anything, oh shit, Ichika I am so so so sorry-" Y/N panicked and scratched at their forearm before Ichika pulled them down by their shirt and kissed back. And holy  s h i t  did that kiss feel amazing. When Ichika had pulled Y/N down to kiss them, it resulted in Y/N yelping but Ichika quickly swallowed the noise down and pressed her free palm against Y/N's chest with a smirk. Reluctantly, Ichika parted her lips when Y/N flicked their tongue across her bottom lip. The kiss deepened and Ichika whined as Y/N pulled her in close by the waist, exploring every part of Ichika's mouth. Who cares about oxygen when to Y/N, Ichika was their oxygen? Still it's essential so Y/N parted away, a thin line of saliva hung between their lips before it snapped and Ichika smiled.

"Ichika I like you, once we get out of here, would you like to go out with me?"
Y/N smiled when Ichika gave them a nod.

"I would love that." Not even a second later, Ichika pulled Y/N towards her even closer for another kiss.


When Ichika woke up the next morning, she felt that the bed was empty and cold, meaning Y/N hadn't been there for a while. That's fine, as long as she sees them later for breakfast, than they can discuss what their relationship is and if it should be kept a secret. Ichika got up and got dressed. After putting her small bag on, she noticed a small note by her bedside table.

'Gone to meet up with someone, should be back in like five to ten minutes.


Okay well, the pencil wasn't freezing cold so this wasn't long ago. Ichika brushed it off and walked to the dining room and saw Kiibo, Kokichi and Kirumi. Ichika sat down beside Kiibo, hearing Kokichi whine about not sitting next to her, and waited for everyone else to come in. As expected slowly but surely, everyone came in apart from Y/N.

"Has anyone seen Y/N" Kaito asked making Ichika perk up and notice her s/o, (can she even call them that yet?) wasn't there. She stood up, shooted Kaito a glance, making the man stand up too,and they both speedwalked out of the dining room, leaving everyone confused until it clicked. Someone might be dead.. Leaving some of the others to rush to stand up and follow Ichika and Kaito.

They both immediately checked the casino and Ichika and Kaito's jaw dropped. There Y/N was laid out on a smashed and broken pool table, with a knife stabbed in their head, blood pouring out from their mouth and multiple cuts everywhere on their body.

Not long after, a few gasps and cries were heard behind them as some of the others who had followed them, stood behind them.

Kaito immediately looked over from Y/N's dead body to Ichika. She had a unreadable expression on her face as she walked towards Y/N.

"Whoever did this is going to die by my hands before their execution can even start..."

1261 words

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