Words Can Hurt...

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"-I don't want to hear anything from a mindless, destructive lunatic!"

"-mindless, destructive lunatic!"


"..." Ichika's face was blank and she remained silent for a bit. "Pfft-" Then her face broke out into a twisted grin. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"


Without giving Monokuma a chance to respond, Ichika pulled the trigger and both her gun and the Exisal shot at the two Exisals below them, exploding on contact, a burning hot explosion rising up in the air.


"Ah-haha, why not?" Ichika grinned. "It sounded like so much fun, there was no way I could turn it down. The risker the pan, the more interesting, no? Ah-hahahahahahaha!" Ichika broke out into another maniacal laughter. "The thrill of doing something so dangerous reeeeelly gets my blood pumping!"


Ichika left Kokichi's dorm, leaving no room for him to say a word. Not like he would anyway. He didn't even try to when she left, did he? Ichika wouldn't know. She left without looking at him after her last words. If he didn't want her around to try and help him, then fine.

Words can hurt.

Did he not know that? Of course he knows that. He's a liar, he needs to know what to say at the right time, knowing how to set people off or calm their nerves if necessary. It didn't give him a right to say that shit to Ichika when she was just trying go help. But that's also what she deserves to be called, right?

She's the one who set herself up like that. Not Kokichi. She has no one except herself to blame..

She is to blame. It's only her fault.

She's the reason why some other their classmates and random onlookers look at her with caution. Like saying the wrong thing will make her snap. She's see the looks, she just chooses to not comment on them.

As she walked away from Kokichi's dorm with tears, stinging the corner of her eyes, she sped walked over to her dorm but bumped into Kiibo and Shuichi on her way.

"Sorry..." She mumbles before walking past them with her head down, not allowing them to get as much as a word in. She would have liked to go straight to her down but a hand on her wrist stopped her from doing so. She had her face away from them, struggling to hold in her anguish.

"Aki-San, are you okay?" Kiibo's voice rang out through the empty hallway as Shuichi's hand gently held onto her wrist. She quickly wiped away the stray tear that left her cheek. She mustered up the brightest smile she could and faced them.

"Yeah, I'm okay! Why?" Kiibo looked down at her with slight concern, while Shuichi's eyebrows were furrowed down in worry. They didn't look convinced as Ichika took her wrist out of Shuichi's careful grip.

"Are you sure Aki-San?" Shuichi spoke up.

"Yeah I'm sure, why do you ask?" Her mind was racing, hoping they didn't see the stray tear that ran down her cheek just a second ago.

"It's just that, I thought you was crying or something." Kiibo spoke up and Ichika stared at him for a moment. She then chuckled.

"Wow your funny Kiibo, when have you ever since me cry?-"

"In the killing game during Ouma and Momota's trial if I remember correctly." Ichika paused at Shuichi's statement before grinning.

"Ahaha! Okay other then that time. Anyway, if you pretty boys don't mind, I'm gonna go to my dorm to rest."

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