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During break time in the bustling canteen, the Omega found himself scanning the room, his eyes subtly moving around as if searching for a familiar face. His gaze was cautious, lingering slightly on certain individuals before quickly moving on. There was an obvious urgency in his actions, a desire to locate someone specific while simultaneously avoiding the notice of another certain someone.

Jeonghan turned his head discreetly, relieved not to spot Joshua in the canteen. However, his gaze halted abruptly the moment a flash of dark hair caught his attention, and he subtly shifted his gaze towards a quieter corner of the canteen. There, seated at a table with a few classmates, was Choi Seungcheol, conversing with a teammate, clad in his sports jersey, exuding a rugged charm that caught Jeonghan's eyes.

Seungcheol's presence never failed to draw his attention, and he couldn't help but admire how effortlessly handsome he looked, even in his casual attire. An obvious smile graced the Omega's lips as he locked eyes with Seungcheol, his heart fluttering with happiness.

Seungcheol, He eagerly waved at him, waiting for the Alpha's response.

The Alpha gaze lingered on Jeonghan for a fleeting moment. Yet, as quickly as it came, his attention shifted back to his teammate, continuing their conversation.

The Omega's smile faltered as soon as he saw the Alpha seemingly dismissing Jeonghan's friendly gesture. An unfamiliar sense of hurt flitted across his heart, his features changing with a mixture of disappointment and indignation.

He ignored me, Jeonghan muttered, his face displaying a subtle but clear expression of anger. How dare he?

Despite attempting to mask his feelings, Jeonghan couldn't shake off the sting of being brushed aside by Seungcheol. He couldn't understand how the Alpha could suddenly act as if he hadn't noticed him at all. This was the same Seungcheol who would come running at the drop of hat whenever Jeonghan needed something or even just called his name.

Jeonghan sat alone at an empty table in the cafeteria. He picked his food, trying to force down each bite, but his appetite was lost amid the anger and the baby residing inside him. He stole glances across the room, his eyes fixating on Seungcheol, who was engrossed in conversation with his teammates. And the Omega hated it.

He hated how the Alpha appeared so carefree and jovial with his teammates, completely oblivious of Jeonghan. He felt hurt that he hadn't acknowledged him earlier. The sight of him laughing and enjoying himself only fueled Jeonghan's resentment further. Why was the acting as if he hadn't seen him? Didn't he realize how much he had hurt the Omega by ignoring him?

Jeonghan's jaw tightened as he chewed, his gaze never leaving Seungcheol's figure, the tension palpable in the Omega's stiff posture and narrowed eyes. Deep down, he wished for Seungcheol to notice him, but pride kept him from reaching out to him. Despite his festering anger, thoughts of Seungcheol's cooking crept into his mind, and he found himself recalling the savory dishes the Alpha had prepared in the past. The contradiction of craving Seungcheol's food while fueling with resentment annoyed Jeonghan.

The Alpha's laughter died down the moment his eyes inadvertently met Jeonghan's intense glare. The sudden shift in the Omega's demeanor caught him off guard, and for a moment, Seungcheol's expression tilted between surprise and concern. He exchanged a quick glance with his teammates, who seemed oblivious to the situation.

The Omega's hostile gaze didn't waver; instead, he continued to chew his food with much force, as if each bite was a declaration of his displeasure. Seungcheol hesitated, unsure how to respond to the sudden change in Jeonghan's demeanor. He couldn't discern whether Jeonghan was genuinely upset or simply in one of his moods. Or was Jeonghan was angry with him or if something else entirely was bothering him. The Alpha knew Jeonghan's temperament well enough to recognize when he was displeased, but this reaction seemed more strange than usual.

And then, I met you. || Jeongcheol ||Where stories live. Discover now