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As Jeonghan woke up from his slumber, he reached out to draw curtains which he this time definitely made sure were properly placed. As the morning sunlight kissed his face, he stood by the window, contemplating on choosing the path ahead. The serious decision that he had to make was eating up his mind since yesterday. Plenty of thoughts ran inside his head about the impending doom lingering on him until a firm resolve shaped inside the mind of Yoon Jeonghan.

Wait a minute, I am not the only one at fault, Jeonghan screamed in distress.
No way in hell, I'll suffer alone and let that man chill, he gritted his teeth as his determination to confront Seungcheol grew clearer.

I won't leave him alone, his eyes shone brightly at the conviction of this thought as he went straight to the bathroom to get ready for the day ahead.


With a visibly irritated face, Jeonghan took further steps on his way to meet the Alpha, to inform him and face the consequences of the mishap they created together.

He arrived at the basketball court, the place he knew Seungcheol was sure to be found. As he stood there in anticipation, every second felt like a torture. Every bounce of the ball and the distant chatters of the player took a toll on his anger issues. Despite the vexation consuming him, he couldn't help but acknowledge the fact how skilled the Alpha was in this sport. The effortless dribble, the perfect shot and the grace with which he moved around the court only concreted the fact.

As the Alpha stepped out of the court, breathing heavily due to the exertion, he reached out for the water bottle. As the cold plastic met his lips, his eyes scanned a familiar man standing in the background. There was a sudden instance of recognition in his eyes followed by the moment of hesitation as he shifted his gaze from Jeonghan, continuing sipping.

And this made Yoon Jeonghan mad. Terribly mad.

Oye, Choi Seungcheol!!, he shouted at the top of his lung as he marched towards him. You dare ignore me? Who do you think you are?, A condescending smirk hit Jeonghan's face as he grabbed the Alpha's collar.

You!? You were talking to me?, Seungcheol asked, trying to grasp what was happening.

Why? Is there anyone else whose name is Choi Seungcheol??

I don't know.

Hah!, Jeonghan laughed in frustration. Do you take me as a fool? You slept with me before and now you refuse to - ,

Jeonghan's words were cut by Seungcheol's hand on the mouth as he took him to the other side far away from the eyes who were watching them due to the sudden commotion.

Calm down!! Speak slowly.

What?? speak slowly?? You get me pregnant with your kid and now - ,

Pregnant? You are pregnant!?, Seungcheol's was totally dumbstruck.

Yes!!, the Omega screamed.

My kid?, A wide smile plastered across the Alpha's face as he heard the news he least expected to listen to.

Yes, Yours, I am 21 days pregnant. It's not like I slept with anyone apart from you that day, Jeonghan's voice was loud, firm and sarcastic as ever. So obviously this kid is Y.O.U.R.S

Wowwww, The huge grin didn't leave the Alpha's face as he instinctively put a hand on his mouth. He just couldn't believe what he heard.

Why are you smiling?, the Omega was curious and scared too at the Alpha's grin. After all this reaction was definitely not what he expected.

Well, because you are having my kid, an utterly happy Seungcheol spoke as he held Omega's shoulder in excitation. Um, I am sorry, Seungcheol retracted his hand as he stood back waiting for the Omega's reply.

Well, I am not having your child, Jeonghan's answer was totally blunt.


Wait a minute. Do you expect me to have your kid? A man whose name I didn't even know till yesterday, Jeonghan laughed again in frustration. Do I look like the main lead of some accidental pregnancy novel?

No, I mean...., the Alpha stayed quite for a while. You don't want to have this kid.

No!!!!! Obviously no.

I see, the Alpha's face drooped immediately. Then don't have.

Good, the Omega replied. I only wanted to hear this. A wide smile flashed on his face hearing the Alpha's words as he searched through his bag for his smartphone.

Here, he spoke giving the phone to Seungcheol. Give me your number.


Ohh, I am not asking in that kind of way, Jeonghan rolled his eyes. I am not the only one who is responsible for this, he said pointing to the stomach as the Alpha wrote his number.

I am not even asking you to pay me. Just come with me to the hospital. This is the least you can do. Okay.

Jeonghan's words were met by the Alpha's silent nod.

Thanks, the Omega kept the phone back in his bag and started leaving.

Why did I say thanks, when he is equally responsible?, Jeonghan muttered to himself as he walked away.

Seungcheol stood there still, listening to every word Jeonghan spewed. His eyes never once faltered off him until his(Omega's) back started fading into the view.


Jeonghan!! Where have you been for the past few weeks?, a beautiful smile swept across Joshua's face as he spoke soft, gentle words from his mouth, consolidating the fact he was a true gentleman. You have been so busy. You didn't even call me once.

Watching the face he wanted to see the most, Jeonghan's face bloomed in a heartfelt grin. I was at my parents home, Jeonghan reply was half true though. The first week after his encounter with Alpha ( Cheol ), he did spend time at his parents' while the other two were at his home struggling from what he will never tell Joshua about. And so what if I didn't call you, you could have called me once.

I should have. You are right.

I am always right, the Omega shook his head proudly.

Ahh, I have something to tell you, Jeonghan!!, Joshua's eyes sparkled showing how impatient he was, as he held the Omega's arm to deliver the news eagerly.

What is it, Joshua?, A curious Jeonghan asked in a low tone. Secretly a part of him hoped that it would be those three words he was dying to hear but then he shook those thoughts away telling himself '' you are not some lead of some romance novel, Han. so shut up, it will never happen "

I think I found the one.

This time only Joshua smiled.


And then, I met you. || Jeongcheol ||Where stories live. Discover now