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Seungcheol paused outside Jeonghan's closed door, his hand still on the handle. The Omega's voice, thick with grief, reached him from the other side. Seungcheol , go to college, please.

Concern showed across his face, as the Alpha leaned closer to the door. Jeonghan, what happened? he asked.  Did I do something?

No, nothing happened, Jeonghan replied, his voice trembling with sobs. You did nothing wrong. Just go to college. I'm not feeling well, please.

Seungcheol didn't want to. He couldn't leave Jeonghan alone in this state, unsure of what was truly troubling him. How can I go, leaving you like this?

Inside the room, Jeonghan hesitated answering. He somehow wiped away his tears, trying to compose himself. I'll be fine. Just go, he assured Cheol, I will come (to college) when I'm okay. Right now, I just need some rest.

Okay, call me if... if you want to, Reluctantly, Seungcheol took a step back from the door. He wanted to stay and comfort Jeonghan, to understand what was troubling him, but he respected Jeonghan's request for space. With a sigh, he turned away, marching his footsteps as he made his way out of the home.

The Omega sat next to the bed his tears began to flow uncontrollably. Each sob echoed the walls of the room, the sound of his cries reverberating in the entire space.

The Alpha's kindness and selflessness left Jeonghan feeling overwhelmed and uncertain. It was true Jeonghan had no money left with him. All the cash he had in hand were already spent. Jeonghan pondered over the question, his mind retracing recent events in search of a clue. Had he somehow given away his financial situation without realizing it? ( He did tell Cheol he was thrown out of his house)

Or perhaps Seungcheol had noticed the absence of his extra purchases, the random food orders that had once been commonplace. Despite his pride, there was a part of Jeonghan that felt relieved. Relieved that Seungcheol had noticed, that he had cared enough to take action. It was a humbling realization, one that left Jeonghan feeling both grateful and unveiling an unknown emotion in his chest.

How could someone be so genuinely good, especially toward someone they didn't know or love? He couldn't comprehend why Seungcheol was going out of his way to be so caring and generous, especially when Jeonghan himself was struggling to understand his own feelings about the situation.

No one had ever gone to such lengths for him without expecting something in return. From preparing meals daily to occasionally taking care of his laundry, even to smiling at the ultrasound photos of the growing baby inside him—Seungcheol's kindness seemed boundless. The fact that he willingly gave him his hard-earned money and even offered his own belongings, like his hoodie, left Jeonghan questioning why.

It wasn't a matter of feeling offended or wronged; quite the opposite, in fact. The Alpha had done nothing but good for him, offering care and kindness without any expectation in return.

The Omega had encountered his fair share of selfishness and indifference in life, particularly when it came to those closest to him. The Alpha's actions left Jeonghan pondering: was there an ulterior motive behind this overwhelming support? Or was Seungcheol simply that inherently good?

The Alpha's character and his unconditional support riled something within Jeonghan—an uneasy mix of appreciation and confusion. It was a puzzle he couldn't solve, and due to this he broke into a tearful outburst.

Jeonghan wiped his tears and composed himself before heading to the bathroom then he washed his face and dried it. Grabbing his backpack, he prepared to leave for college, looking once again in the mirror to make sure his face doesn't look much puffed up.

And then, I met you. || Jeongcheol ||Where stories live. Discover now