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In the shadow of his dimly lit room, Jeonghan surrendered to the never stopping time that went on, as he stayed there in the room haunted by the memories of encounter with Joshua six days prior. For the past six days he has cocooned himself within the four walls of the hotel room, faded from the view, riding against the wave of turbulent emotions.

University lectures have now been a distant chatter as the Omega had retreated him from the world , putting himself in exile. At Joshua's concerned call and inquiry, Jeonghan brilliantly crafted a tale of illness. Yet the truth about faking illness wasn't entirely false. Morning sickness has grappled in him a huge turmoil added with the relentless frustration in his broken heart.

As he spent countless hours pondering in the confines of hotel rooms, the morning sickness tightening its grip on him each passing day, urging him to go back to the place he reluctantly calls his home and get rid of it. He did take Seungcheol's number but hasn't called  once, too consumed in his own thoughts.

The Omega finally motioned towards his home not knowing he would not be met by comfort but by the looming presence of his mother who he hated more than the sickess itself.

Yoon Jeonghan's heart froze as he faced the woman whose piercing voice echoed through the room. Her eyes bore into his, demanding answers he wasn't ready to give.

"Where have you been all this time?" she demanded, her words cutting through the air like a sharp knife.

What does it matter to you?

And what are you doing here?  Yoon shot back, his own voice tinged with defiance and a hint of fear, as he braced himself for the impending confrontation with his mother.

I hope I don't have to remind you I own this house, Yoon Jeonghan.

Yoon's jaw clenched, his own frustration boiling to the maximum. That doesn't mean you can come whenever you want, he retorted, his voice tinged with frustration.

Don't enter without my permission. The tension in the air hung heavy, a battle was ensured to unfold between mother and son within the walls of this house.

It's my house. I bought it. I will come and go wherever I want, she asserted, her voice mixed with more of authority and less of maternal concern.

I see. Then it's okay. I will change the password next time. Keep staying outside, Jeonghan replied nonchalantly back at his mother, his demeanor showed he stood firm in his decision, unwilling to yield to her control.

Jeonghan winced as his mother's hands connected with his cheek, the sting of her slap accompanied by its sound echoed through the room.

You dare talk back to me, her tone laced with fury.  I don't come to this house, she continued, her voice dripping with contempt. Why? So I won't get to know the kind of men you bring home?

What? Jeonghan spoke. Despite his attempts to maintain composure, the wounds inflicted by her accusations ran deep, leaving him feeling angered.

I know very well how good of an Omega whore you are!!, the woman smirked, her expression adding salt to the wound. Hah!! The way you are! Who knows, when you might end up getting pregnant by a low class.  Probably that beta you were busy seducing....

Despite the pain and humiliation, Han couldn't help but let out a bitter laugh at his mother's words.

Since I am your son who totally takes after you... So who knows, I might turn out to be an Omega whore who ends up carrying a kid of low class who doesn't love me, just like you did. Han's retort came out in a mixture of bitterness and defiance, his words laced with the pain of years of resentment he had towards his mother.

The Omega staggered from his hold, his cheek throbbing from the force of his mother's slap once again.

No doubt you are an Omega. A really lowly Omega, she uttered, her voice trembling with anger and contempt. Get lost. I said Get lost.

Jeonghan laughed, but his eyes didn't . Thank you for telling me once again how low I am, he said, his voice edged with bitterness. And I am getting lost as you want. With a final glance back at his mother, he turned away, shutting the door behind him with a loud thud.

Keeping the pain inside him, Han refused to let her see the extent of her power over him, his gaze hardening as he turned away, determined to do something he already had planned inside as he made his way out of the house to of course — Choi Seungcheol.


Oye, Seungcheol! Han yelled at the tall, buff man who was standing with his back facing him, his voice laced with a mix of frustration and urgency. As Cheol turned to face him, Han's expression hardened, his eyes conveying he was here for something concrete.

Cheol turned around, his expression a mixture of concern and curiosity as he faced Han. Where were you?

Seungcheol – ,

I mean you didn't call! So I was–,

Seungcheol!!, Jeonghan's tone was sharp, interrupting any further words from the Alpha.

Yes, Seungcheol's demeanor shifted instantly, his expression turning serious as he turned his attention to Jeonghan.

Do you want this kid?

What?, Cheol replied, caught off guard by the sudden question, his brow furrowing in confusion as he tried to comprehend what Jeonghan just said.

Do you want this kid?, the Omega repeated.

What are you saying? What happened?

Just tell me, Han remained poker-faced, as he delivered his words with unwavering confidence and strictness. I need to know if you're in or out, he stated firmly, his tone leaving no room for misinterpretation as he awaited Cheol's response.


Yes or no, Seungcheol, the Omega replied, his gaze unwavering, his eyes piercing into Cheol's without blinking once, demanding a confirmed answer.

I want it, the Alpha replied staring into Jeonghan's eyes. Han's poker-faced exterior softened slightly as Cheol's words reached his ears.

Good. Let's have it, Jeonghan declared. A small smile started appearing on his face. Let's have the kid.



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And then, I met you. || Jeongcheol ||Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα