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The Alpha was finally back home, his mind preoccupied with thoughts of the day's tasks as he had worked late to make up for the missed hours earlier today.

As Seungcheol stepped into his home, the sight of Jeonghan sleeping peacefully on the sofa halted him in his tracks. The muted glow of the lamp illuminated the living room, casting a soft light over Jeonghan's sleeping state. The air was still, filled only with the gentle hum of the refrigerator and the distant sounds of the city outside.

Jeonghan lay on the sofa, his features relaxed in sleep, totally untouched by the complexities of their situation. The clock on the wall read 10:30 pm—an unusual hour for him to be asleep, but perhaps it was easy thanks to the exhaustion he must have felt due to their baby.

Approaching cautiously, Seungcheol's footsteps were nearly soundless on the floor. He didn't want to disturb Jeonghan's rest.

Seungcheol's eyes softened as he observed the scene—the way Jeonghan clutched the pillow close, reminiscent of a child holding onto a cherished toy.

Beautiful, Seungcheol murmured softly to himself, his hand instinctively reaching out to brush a stray strand of Jeonghan's hair.

At the gentle touch, Jeonghan shifted slightly, turning his face toward Seungcheol's palm as he settled onto his side, finding comfort even in his sleep.

Seungcheol lingered for a moment longer, taking in the peaceful expression on Jeonghan's face.

For a moment, Seungcheol simply stood there, enveloped in the calmness that surrounded Jeonghan. His thoughts momentarily drifted away from the demands of work and responsibility, focusing solely on the person before him—the person with whom he now shared unexpected circumstances and a growing connection.

With a resigned sigh, the Alpha slowly withdrew, careful not to disturb Jeonghan's peaceful slumber. He knew that tomorrow would bring new challenges and uncertainties, but for now, he let Jeonghan rest undisturbed, finding solace in the quiet of the night and the unspoken connection that had begun to form between them.


Jeonghan's eyes snapped open as he heard the unexpected thud sound, his pillow hitting the floor in shock. Startled, he sat up on the sofa, his gaze darting around the dimly lit room in search of the source of the noise. When his eyes settled on Seungcheol, who was crouched in the kitchen, Jeonghan blinked in confusion.

The Omega quickly got to his feet, retrieving the fallen pillow and placing it back in its spot.


Stay there, don't come in, Seungcheol's voice carried from the kitchen, a note of urgency in his tone. He was focused on collecting the pieces of broken glass from the floor, his movements deliberate yet quick.

Jeonghan hesitated for a moment, unsure of what had transpired but sensing Seungcheol's need for space. Ah... Okay, he responded softly, lingering near the kitchen entrance, his brow furrowing with concern. He watched as Seungcheol continued his task, the shards of glass reflecting the dim light of the room.

What happened? Jeonghan inquired as Seungcheol approached him after washing his hands.

Glass fell, nothing else, Seungcheol replied with a small smile.

I see, Jeonghan nodded, glancing down at the now-clean kitchen floor. Are you okay? It didn't pierce you, right?

No, it didn't, Seungcheol assured him, drying his hands with a towel. What happened? Do you need something? he asked, returning the question.

And then, I met you. || Jeongcheol ||Where stories live. Discover now