Chapter 22

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(Last chapter)

"So, y'know who you wanna go wit'? Yo mom or me?"

"I.. um.."

(This chapter)

You look into his blue eyes and he's looking at you lovingly

His face is glowing in the sunset and his freckles are really showing

Your gaze switches between both of his eyes and you softly say "I.. think I need to go wit' my mama."

The look on his face kinda changes from lovingly to kinda disappointed and sad but he still remains the loving part of it

"When are you guys movin'?"

"She said as soon as possible, it's not like we have to wait for a moving truck or anything, she said her friend Lucy or whatever the fuck her name is was gonna come pick us up wit' her van 'cause it has a lotta trunk space."

"So.. like a week or two?"

"Yeah, if we pack quick enough."


It goes silent for a few seconds again

Not an awkward silence, but like a kinda "I have to leave but I don't want to" silence

"Well.. what're we gonna do about us." Marshall asks

"What do you mean?"

"Like.. are we gonna stay together but be long distance or.."

Your heart drops and you start getting emotional

You pause for a moment

"I love you, bunny, I really, really do, but I can't keep dragging you into this shit."

"And I can't keep stressing you out wit' all the shit I'm dealin' with. You're already stressed out enough."

You start tearing up

"So.. you wanna break up?" You ask

"I think it's best if we do." Marshall says softly

He grabs both of your hands

"I really, really love you, baby, I really do, but I cannot be in a relationship where it's, no hate on you, but where it's always one thing after the next when I'm already fucked up as it is, and you can't be stressed out wit' my shit when I'm sure your stress levels are through the fuckin' roof."

"I understand. I love you, too." You say in a shaky voice

A tear falls down your cheek and Marshall lets go of your hand and wipes it with his sleeve

"Hey, if you ever come back to Detroit, call me up."

"I will."

"I'll never forget you, (Y/n)."

"I'll never forget you, either." You say as another tear falls down your face and he wipes it again

"Remember when you first introduced me to Future and he started telling me how you were gay?" You say while laughing a little

"Yeah, and then you asked him if he could tell 'cause he was gay himself." He says while smiling

You both laugh a little and you say "And also in 4th grade when that kid pushed me so you socked him?"

"And when you told me I looked like a rip-off big bird from sesame street." He says while smiling

You laugh and say "That was only because you said I looked like off brand elmo."

You both laugh

Another tear falls down your face and he says "C'mere."

He pulls you into a hug and you hug him back

He kisses the top of your head and you start crying into his shoulder

"Oh my god, will you ever stop crying?" He says jokingly

"Nope. Will you ever stop being such an asshole?"


You both laugh a little

You both pull back from the hug and you wipe your eyes and he says "On a serious note, if you do keep the baby, please tell me."

"I will."

"Do you want me to walk you home?" He asks

"I think if you walk me home I'll never let you go."


"So this is goodbye?" You ask

"Yeah, I guess so."

You hold back your tears

You both get up to leave and you give him a short hug before you leave

He hugs you back and you both pull back

"Bye, (Y/n). I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you, too, Marshall. Bye, bunny."

He waves at you so you wave back and he slowly turns around and starts walking away with his hands in his pockets

You feel tears start streaming down your face and you turn around and walk off

As you get further and further from him you cry more and more

You start second guessing your choice

Should I have broke up with him? Should I have moved in with him? Am I gonna regret it?

You start thinking of old memories and sobbing

It's completely dark outside by now and the only light is from the orangey streetlights and every now and then headlights from cars that pass

When you do eventually make it home you don't even eat dinner and you just head straight to bed, thinking about if you made the right choice or not

I guess we'll never know (or maybe we will)

Guys.. I'm sorry

Don't come for me please I'm scared one of you is gonna track down my address 😭

I lowkey almost cried

Before my superman officially ends I wanna make one last author's note js going over everything

Tysm for readinggggg <33

Word count: 802 Words

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