Idk again again

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I have a pretty long chapter written and I have to add it to here

I just wanted to say:

I'm not rlly having any ideas for these rn so if you have a suggestion please say so

I have a few ideas but I think it's too early for it but I might start slowly building to it

One of the ideas I've been planning since whatever chapter it was where you went to his trailer to apologize idk what chapter that was or when I wrote it

There's a lotta things I've been wanting to do irl that I just haven't gotten to do yet bc I procrastinate and then forget abt so those things have been only on my mind and I can't think of things to write abt bc my dad gave me adhd 😍😍

I'm also conflicted in life rn abt a lotta things and I am trying to change myself for the better bc I was a very negative person so that's also adding to my mind

I only have so many things I can think abt at once bc like I said adhd and I jus can't think of sum to write abt

I'm also tryna get into a new school wit my bsf that I've been friends with since I was 5 🫶🏻🫶🏻

Sorry for the rant I'm jus tryna explain

I do also wanna say that as you can tell I type a lot different when I'm writing a story than usual like I use correct grammar n stuff so if my grammar sucks or sum when I'm writing that's why

Ik I already said this but my brain rn is like that scene in spongebob where all the lil spongebobs were runnin around while his brain was on fire

Ughh you cant click on it but if you look up scene in spongebob where he forgets his name and click on one of the yt videos that's what it is

I rlly do appreciate all the views and everything ily allllll

Tysm for reading <33

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