Chapter One

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(Y/n) - Your name | B-rabbit - Marshall 

You and Marshall were friends when you guys were younger but as you got older your bond kinda drifted apart. You've had a crush on him since you guys were 13 and now you're both 18 but you never had the guts to tell him.

As you're walking down the street you see Marshall sitting on the steps on the front of his trailer.

"What's up Marshall?" You said

He turns to look at you and his face has bruises and cuts all over and he looks depressed.

"Oh shit are you okay?" You said

"Yeah, I'm fine." Marshall responded

"What happened?" You asked him 

"I fell." He said

"You fell?" You said questioningly

"I fell." He said, sounding irritated

"I can tell you're lying, Marshall." You said

"Why do you care anyways? It's not like you can do anything about it." He responded

"Do you have a first aid kit?" You asked him

"Yeah, why?" He said

"Then I can help you." You said, even though you knew he was probably gonna say no

"I don't need help." He responded

"Marshall, your face is all bloody and bruised up, just let me help you. You're saying it like I'm some stranger even though we've been friends since 3rd grade." You said

He sat there for a second and then he looked up to you and said "Aight, fine."

You helped Marshall walk into his trailer and his mom and sister weren't there.

"Where's your mom and sister?" You asked

"My mom's at bingo and Lily's at the neighbors." He said

"Oh, okay." You said

You helped Marshall sit onto the couch and he winced in pain as he sat down.

"Where's your first aid kit?" You asked

"Under the sink in the bathroom on the left." He said

"Alright." You said

You got the first aid kit and went back in the living room 

"This is gonna hurt." You told him

"I know, (Y/n)." He said

You start cleaning his wounds everywhere.

"What really happened? I can tell you didn't fall." You asked him

He didn't say anything for a while so you figured he was just in too much pain to respond.

"I got jumped." He said

"Oh shit, by who?" You asked

"The free world." He said, sounding irritated

"I fucking hate the free world. They think they're the shit but in reality nobody likes them." You said

"Me too." Marshall responded

"Why'd they jump you?" You asked

"You know Wink?" He asked

"Yeah." You said getting worried

"Basically Wink was hanging out with the free world and then Alex cheated on me with that bitch." He said 

Alex was his girlfriend. 

"When I saw Alex cheating on me with Wink at the place I was supposed to record my demo I got in a fight with Wink and beat the shit outta him." He said

"I guess that little pussy went and told all his friends about it." He said

"And then they came and jumped you cause Wink was too much of a pussy to fight you." You said

"Yeah." He said

"I'm sorry." You told him

"It's not your fault." He said

You realized that you got so distracted talking to him you forgot to check to see if he had other injuries besides the ones you had cleaned.

"I gotta lift up your shirt." You told him

"Aight." Marshall said

You lifted up his shirt and you started blushing.

His chest was all bruised up.

"You got any ice packs?" You asked

"Yeah, In the freezer." He responded 

"Alright, you need to keep this ice pack on so the bruises will go away faster." You told him

"Okay." He responded 

"You sure you don't need anything else?" You asked

"Yeah, I'm sure." He responded

"Alright, call me if you need anything else." You said

"Aight, I will, thanks (Y/n)."

"Of course." You said

You started to turn the other way to leave

"Hey, (Y/n)?" He said 

You turned back around and said "What's up?"

"This might not be the best time to ask but.." He paused for a second

You were thinking of different things he could ask you in the short span he paused for

"You wanna do sum tonight?" He asked

"You asking me out on a date, Marshall Mathers?" You said as you started blushing

"Yeah, as a matter of a fact I am." He responded 

You felt your face become hot as you start thinking that this is really happening after having a crush on him for so long 

"Yeah, I'll go. Where you wanna go?" You asked him

"I'm not sure." He said

"You have anywhere you wanna go?" He asked

You paused for a second to think about where to go

"Not specifically. We could do what my parents used to do and just drive around until we find somewhere." You responded

"Sounds good. Is 8 p.m good for you?" He asked

"Yeah." You said

"Aight, I'll pull up to your house at 8." He said 

"See you then." You said

You walk out of the trailer with butterflies in your stomach, you're blushing, and smiling. You cant believe Marshall just asked you out. You walk back to your house and find things to do to pass the time until then.

Sorry this part is so short, I didn't know what else to put. I wrote this last night and it took me about an hour and a half to write this and the note before this. I spent about 3-4 hours making an account and adding a profile picture and making a book cover thinking of a name for this etc. Thank you for reading, I'll make chapter 2 probably later today!

Word count: 896 words

My Superman (Eminem x Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz