Chapter 18

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Recap of what happened last chapter:

Your sister said you've been acting like you're on your period and you realized you're late and probably pregnant so you told Marshall and he got you a test

You're in Marshall's bathroom looking at the test

Your hands are shaking, actually, your whole body is basically shaking

You stare at it for a second and tears start rolling down your face and you drop it onto the floor

You lean your back against the cold wall and slide down, putting your hands on your face while crying

Marshall starts knocking on the bathroom door and asks "You good?"

No words come out of your mouth and you just sit there, silently crying

"(Y/n)?" He asks

It goes silent for a moment

Marshall's POV

It goes silent for a moment and I start getting worried

I slightly open the door and see (Y/n) sitting on the bathroom floor crying into her knees and the pregnancy test on the floor

"(Y/n)?" I ask as I walk in there

I crouch down next to her and my stomach does flips

I put my hand on her shoulder and look over at the test on the floor and pick it up to look at it

There's two lines

I look at the box on the counter, drop the test and frantically pick up the box to see what two lines mean

I look at the back and it reads "One line = Not pregnant"

So she's pregnant. Fuck.

I don't bother reading anything else, why would I?

I drop the box and sit down next to her and I hug her the best I could, it's an awkward position to be tryna hug someone from

She unwraps her arms from around her legs and wraps them around me and cries into my jacket

What the fuck are we gonna do?

"Baby, it'll be okay, we can-"

"It's not gonna fucking be okay, Marshall." She snaps

She lets go of me so I let go of her back and she gets up and wipes her face

She starts walking out of the bathroom and I get up to follow her

"Where you goin'?" I ask

She walks into the kitchen and I follow

"What the fuck am I gonna do?!" She yells

"Ion fuckin' know!" I snap

I take a deep breath and calm down, I can't be actin' like that right now

"We'll get through this, baby."

She keeps saying "I" like I'm gonna abandon her or sum

I couldn't jus' leave her like that

I'm tryna keep calm for her even though inside I'm going through so many emotions and I'm sure she is, too

She keeps thinking I'm gonna jus' leave her to do it herself

Your POV

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