Chapter 16

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The youtube link doesn't work again 😭😭

The song I was gonna put has nothing to do with this chapter, I just like it

It was supposed to be glued by Melanie Martinez but the shit won't work

Please tell me if you think my writing is different in this chapter I'm going thru some shit rn n I'm going thru waves of emotions n I hope it doesn't show in my writing

I was gonna make a thing saying what's going on but I didn't wanna make it all dark or sum but if you're nosy like me lemme know n I can tell you I jus don't want it to affect the story 🫶🏻🫶🏻

It's Friday and you're gonna go to Sol's party with Marshall

He said to bring whoever so you're bringing Amber and your other friend Aaliyah

Aaliyah is a thinner black woman with either natural curls or different colored wigs, usually black or red and a bubbly personality

She's from California and moved to Detroit not long ago, maybe two months

You and Amber are on your way to Aaliyah's house to get ready

Amber's mom pulls up to her house and you both thank her and walk out and into her house

Aaliyah's house is one of the better houses in Detroit, it has two stories and three bedrooms

"Hey, girl!" Aaliyah says

"Hey!" You say while you hug her

"You bring your makeup?" She asks

"Yeah." You say

"Let's go get ready then!" She says

You guys follow her to her bathroom and start putting on makeup and stuff

"Wait so where exactly are we going?" She asks

"My boyfriend's friend's house." You say

"Why's he throwing a party again?"

"'Cause his friend is getting married or just got married or sum." You say

"Aight." She says

A bit of time goes by and you guys have been messing around and laughing while getting ready

"Ooh, girl you look stunning!" You say to Aaliyah

"Aww thank you!" She says

"That would go really well with red lipstick." You say

"Yeah, that's was I was gonna do." She says

You hear a car honk outside and you turn your head towards the sound

"Do I look fine? Is there anything you guys would add?" You ask

"Girl you are drop dead gorgeous!" Aaliyah says

"Ooh, you should add a little bit of this." Amber says while holding her lip gloss

"Alright." You say

You put some on and the car's horn honks again

"Here, I'll let them in." You say while handing it back to her

She takes it and you run out to the door and open it, seeing Sol at the door

"Wassup, man?" You say

"Hey! We gotta get goin' 'cause David is waitin'." He says

I'm guessing David is the one getting married

"Aight, I'll get Amber and Aaliyah." You say

You turn around and start walking over to the bathroom and yell "C'mon you slow ass bitches!"

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