Chapter 11

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Okay last chapter may not make a lotta sense wit the demo shit ion rlly know how demos work n I didn't wanna have them wait like 2 weeks so I jus made it a few days

This chapter mentions periods/menstruation so if you think periods are nasty or sum please skip this chapter or don't start saying how you think they're gross <3

Warnings: getting high and smut


You wake up next to Marshall and he's asleep

You sit there staring at the ceiling for a minute and then get up to go to the bathroom and you start getting cramps

You put on a pad/tampon/panty liner/menstrual cup and wash your hands and leave

You walk back in your room and see Marshall waking up and you sit down next to him

"What time is it?" He asks

You look at the clock and it says 9:57

"9:57." You say

You start getting more cramps and you lay down on your side

The cramps start getting worse and then they start getting better and then coming back

"You okay?" He asks

"Mm-hmm." You say

"What's wrong?" He asks while sitting up

"My stomach hurts." You say

He puts his hand on your back and you sit up and look at him and he's sitting up leaning against the wall

"Do you want me to get you some pain medicine?" He asks softly

"No, I'm okay." You say

He grabs onto your hand and you start slightly squeezing it

"Do you know why your stomach hurts? Are you on your period?" He asks softly

You nod your head yes and lean yourself on him

"Ohh baby. C'mere." He says softly while wrapping his arm around you

You bend your legs and put your knees on his lap and put your hand on his chest as he holds you closer

"I'm sorry, girl." He says softly

"Don't be." You say softly

You have your head near his chest and you listen to his breathing and your eyes flutter closed

Your cramps slowly get better as you're just sitting with Marshall

He starts slightly rubbing your back and you hold onto him tighter

"Thank you." You whisper

"Of course, baby." He whispers back

"If you need anything at all just tell me and I'll be there, okay?" He says softly

"Okay." You whisper

"I love you." You say softly

"I love you, too." He says softly

His low voice and the way he talks to you makes you get butterflies

When you were younger you were so so excited to get your first period and then you got it and ever since you've hated it

But the way he's talking to you makes you feel so much better

The way he cares about you no matter what

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