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The brothers spent their days in happiness and enjoys their bond.........

But one day.......




One fateful evening, as Manik was returning home from college, tragedy struck. He was involved in a severe accident that left him with critical injuries. when the accident occurred, a seemingly innocuous event that would irrevocably alter the course of their lives. Manik, on his way home from college, had been struck by a speeding car while crossing the street, the impact sending him hurtling into the unforgiving pavement below.


When Arjun received the news, his world came crashing down and heat stopping. Rushing to the hospital, he was devastated to see his beloved younger brother lying unconscious in a hospital bed, hooked up to machines........ The air was thick with tension as Arjun paced back and forth in the sterile hospital corridor. His heart pounded with anxiety, his mind plagued by a whirlwind of worry and fear. Inside the emergency room, doctors and nurses rushed to attend to his younger brother, Manik, who had been involved in a tragic accident.

Finally, a doctor emerged from the room, his expression somber. Arjun's heart sank as he braced himself for the worst.


"Mr. Malhotra," the doctor began, his voice heavy with gravity, "I'm afraid your brother has suffered a severe head injury. He's currently in a coma, and the extent of his injuries is uncertain. We're doing everything we can, but..." The doctor's words trailed off, leaving an ominous silence in their wake.

Arjun felt as if the ground had been ripped out from beneath him. His hands trembled as he struggled to comprehend the magnitude of the situation. Manik, his beloved younger brother, lay fighting for his life, and there was nothing Arjun could do but wait and pray for his recovery.




Days turned into weeks, and still, Manik remained unconscious. Arjun spent every waking moment by his brother's bedside, his heart heavy with anguish and uncertainty. The once vibrant hospital room now felt suffocating, its walls closing in on Arjun as he grappled with his overwhelming emotions.Each passing day seemed to blur into the next, a monotonous cycle of hope and despair. Arjun clung to the faintest glimmer of optimism, praying fervently for a miracle that would bring Manik back to him. ............ .....As he sat beside his brother, Arjun found solace in their shared memories-their childhood adventures, their late-night conversations, the laughter that echoed through their family home. But now, those memories felt distant, overshadowed by the looming specter of loss.



Then, one fateful day, a ray of hope pierced through the darkness. Manik stirred from his coma, his eyelids fluttering open to reveal eyes clouded with confusion and pain. he found himself engulfed in a sterile hospital room, the faint hum of machines filling the air. Confusion clouded his mind as he struggled to make sense of his surroundings, the events leading up to this moment shrouded in a fog of uncertainty. Arjun's heart leaped with joy at the sight of his brother's awakening, tears of relief streaming down his cheeks.

"Mannu," Arjun whispered, his voice choked with emotion. "You're awake."Manik blinked, his gaze unfocused as he struggled to make sense of his surroundings. Slowly, recognition dawned in his eyes as he locked gazes with Arjun.

BOND OF BROTHERS (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now