27 3 5

''Are you feeling better honey?'', my mom woke me up, standing at the side of my bed. I slightly nodded at her. I felt guilty for lying to her because my headache even got worse.

''Good, I have to leave now. Text me if you need anything'', she stroke my head and I nodded again. She left my room and I laid back again. After five minutes of napping my headache still wasn't gone, so I decided to text Ange. Maybe she can make me forget about my sickness.


You: Hey Ange, are you free today? Can you hang out by any chance?

Ange: Sure, is there any reason? Haha

You: Well I don't really feel well, lol.

Ange: Oh, I'm on my way girl!

You reacted with ❤️ to Ange's message


I stayed in my bed until the door rang. I sprinted  down the stairs and opened the door. Ange right away pulled me into a hug. When she pulled away she immediately opened her back reaching out for medicaments.

''So, this is for stomach ache, these are some pain killers and these are for menstrual pain and-'', Ange started but I interrupted her.

''This is so sweet Angelina but I haven't gotten my period in a while and I threw up a lot recently and- you know..'', I said kind of embarrassed. Her jaw dropped when my words entered her ear.

''You think you're.. pregnant?'', she asked making it way more dramatic with the pause she added in the sentence. The word pregnant made me kind of freak out but I just tried to keep myself calm.

''I don't know'', I cried and she took me into her arms. 

''Hey it's okay. Let's go upstairs and take a test'', she tried to calm me down. Luckily I bought a test last year when I had the same symptoms, so I could use this one. Ange and me got into the bathroom where she unboxed the pregnancy test. In the meantime I tried to pee into a cup, which I successfully did.

''Moment of the truth haha'', Ange joked when she put the test into the cup and I just glanced at her, what made her shut up. 

We waited a few minutes- the longest minutes of my life. Then we saw the result:

one line- and a second line

Ange and me frowned. I am pregnant. What am I going to tell Neymar? What am I going to tell my family?

''It is Neymar's baby, right?'', Ange asked me still shocked.

''Of course it is, dumbass!'', I replied.

''Okay okay, when are you going to tell him?''

''He will be here for a game in a few days'', I responded quietly and she nod. I received a message in the same second 


Ney: Hey we haven't talked all day. Is everything fine? Eu te amo anjo 😘 [I love you angel]  

You: Oh yes I'm sorry. Everything is fine. When can I see you again? Também te amo meu amor❤️ [I love you too my love]   

Ney: I'll be in Lisboa in two days, let's meet there?    

You: Sure, I'm sure my parents want to meet you too 😉 

Ney: Would be a pleasure to me 😜🙏

You reacted with 😂 to Ney's message


''Neymar, huh?'', Ange laughed at me. 

''Yeah'', I laughed and wiped my tear away. I was so happy to have her, she would always make me laugh in this kind of situations.

I still can't believe that I'm carrying Ney's baby in me right now



Hey guys! Hope y'all liked this one! I'm sorry for the late update, I just had a lot of exams this and last week. I shortened this chapter to make it easier to continue writing. I'll try to update on Friday or even sooner :)

Please let me know how it was and vote!❤️🙏

Published without any corrections

Word count: 705

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