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"Excuse me?" You were on the verge of taking back the food you just gave her. "What do you mean jealous? Who's jealous here?"

"You Y/n, it's so painfully obvious." Céline deadpanned. "You came here just to rant to me about how you heard The Duke with another woman, you don't even know if they're actually intimate."

"Well what else could "let's go somewhere more secluded" imply?" You crossed your arms.

"You do know Your Grace is a very busy man right? To call someone as important as the champion duellist personally could only mean business. They probably don't have the sort of relationship you think it is." The dirty blonde concluded.

"Well, I guess you have some sort of point." You agreed.

"But that wasn't my point. My point is you're jealous!" An eruption of giggles came from the girl as she smiled at you. "I knew you liked him all along, it was so obvious, I told you I was an expert."

"I'm leaving." You abruptly stood up from your seat, but of course not after you'd finished your meal.

"Now you're flustered!" She poked at your face.

"Céline I will injure you." You glared at her, causing her to shiver and stop her poking.

"Yip yap yip, just admit it." The dirty blonde crossed her arms.

Instead of responding, you just ignored her and walked off.

After wandering around the fortress to cool off, your legs made their way to the Pankration Ring. It was odd, this place was the reason you were almost killed not too long ago, yet you found yourself here again. However, it was unusually loud today, which prompted you to enter and see what all the commotion was about.

The second you made it into the building it got so much louder than it was outside. Almost everybody was shouting and cheering for this one guy who was battling on stage. He was tall with a healthy build, ginger hair, though the weird thing was, he had a mask to cover his face.

He was incredibly talented, you could tell at first glance. The way he moved and evaded his opponents attacks, the way he instantly read them and countered perfectly, he was almost like a maniac, a battle maniac.

Knocking his opponent to the ground, the entire ring roared with praise as the mysterious male stood there tall and proud.

An organiser came on to the stage and began to announce the results.

"Today's winner is... this masked boxer!" The host yelled, raising up the winner's arm. His words were followed by cheers and claps from the audience. When they died down he began to speak again, "he now qualifies for the tournament, don't miss it everyone, it starts tomorrow same time!" After that the crowed began to cheer once more, then it died down again. "But before we continue on to the next fight, lets hear a few words from this match's winner." The host handed the microphone to the male.

"Never ever bet on both fighters in one match, in my eyes, it's one of the most disrespectful things you could do when betting on a fight. Supporting both boxers in a match is dishonouring the competition itself."

The crowed began to yell once more, wholeheartedly agreeing with him.

"Yup... definitely a battle maniac." You spoke to yourself, but you could barely even hear your own voice due to the loud audience. Something about him seemed awfully familiar, the feeling left a chill in your body and you didn't know why. Not until you made direct eye contact with him did you realise why you felt so unsettled.

His deep blue eyes locked onto yours and your instincts instantly told you to get out of there fast. Something was wrong. Something about him made every single cell in your body scream at you to leave immediately, not just hinting but directly telling you you were in danger.

He was the eleventh harbinger, Tartaglia.

Breaking eye contact, you slowly backed up before speed walking towards the entrance of the Pankration Ring. You sighed of relief as you made your way through the exit, taking a well needed deep breath and closing your eyes for a split second.

"What's the hurry?"

The sudden voice made you jump backwards, shooting your eyes open to find the so called "masked boxer" right in front of you. Every hair on your body stood up as you stared at him warily.

"Hm, interesting..." The male placed a hang on his chin. "So you've realised who I am."

"No." You instantly denied it.

"I can tell you're afraid of me, deathly scared of my presence. Why else would you be if you didn't know who I am?" He chuckled, moving one step closer.

Instinctively, you moved one step back. Proving his point without even meaning to. "What do you want?" You spoke with annoyance in your voice, irritated at the fact you were found out so quickly.

"So you are scared of me?" The male snickered, taking another step forward.

"No I'm not." You took another step back, heart beating a bit harder than usual.

"Yes you are." The ginger slowly began to advance towards you.

"Shut up." In response you slowly stepped backwards at the same pace, though your heart palpitations grew fast and faster. "No I'm not-" Your back hit a wall.

"So tell me." The harbinger took one last step towards you. "Why are you shaking right now?" He hovered over you.

You furrowed your eyebrows at the situation you were in. You could feel your heart beat throughout every inch of your body. Your palms grew sweat and your breathing pattern was now uneven. These were all signs of your body telling you you were not safe.

A harbinger, you saw him once when you were being kept in that facility run by the second harbinger. Just the sight of him brought back many bad memories and you couldn't cope from the sudden shock.

"For the last time, what do you want." You tried to come off as unaffected but your shacky voice outed you in an instant.

"I want to know who you are, and why exactly you recognise me." Tartaglia lifted up his mask so he could smile at you. His eyes were so empty it made you shiver, it scared you, it made you wonder if he would even think twice before taking your life."

"Or what?" You clenched your fists, testing the waters.

"Or else, things will get so much harder for you." He whispered, before putting his mask back down. "The terrible thoughts that you're thinking of me might just become reality."

Author note: Bro idk what im on, how the hell did i just triple update ive never done that in my life

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