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It's been two full days, and you still haven't eaten, you haven't even thought about drinking the water provided for you again.

There are now four dents on your cell bars, at this rate you might just break them.

This is partly because you don't entirely trust whatever is being provided for you, especially when it's under his watch.

You felt some sort of betrayal when he drugged you, you trusted him enough to drink that water yet look where that got you. Though you being petty was not the main reason why you weren't eating or drinking.

The truth is, you've been feeling quite depressed lately. Once your brother was murdered, you never let yourself sit down and actually take in that fact, you were too busy getting revenge.

Now you have all the time to think and take in reality, this is what you feared, being left to your own thoughts is the most dangerous thing you can do to a person.

It didn't feel real to you, the fact you'd never see him again. This all felt like a bad dream, what's worse is that it wasn't.

What's even worse is that you keep thinking about how: if things were different... if you were strong enough.. if you had done that... if you had done this... if you only noticed what was going on earlier... then this wouldn't have happened. If, and only if.

Guilt was eating you alive, and you couldn't bare it. You knew it wasn't your fault, you knew you had nothing to do with his death yet, who else was there to blame? They're all dead.

Tears began to build up in your eyes as you silently let them graze across your cheek and make their journey down. You felt so pathetic, so weak, so stupid for trusting the people around you.

But you felt good, finally allowing yourself to catch up to reality and realise your brother was never coming back and you had to move on. It felt good sitting down and listening to your own thoughts, it calmed you in a way.

As you cried quietly, letting all your emotions out you heard footsteps steps along with complimentary whistling.

Quickly, you sloppily wipped your face with your sleeve and cleared your throat.

"I've been told you haven't been eating or drinking." A familiar voice seized your attention, the black haired male made his way towards your cell, this time he was the one bringing you food."And could you please refrain from damaging my property any further-" he stopped talking once he noticed your blotchy face. "Were you... crying?"

"No." You denied, your angry thoughts about him came back once you saw him. "Why are you here? I thought you'd be off drugging unconvicted prisoners. I'm not even meant to be here, you knew I would beat Clorinde and couldn't stand the thought of a murder roaming around Fontaine unpunished."

"About that, I had no idea Neuvillette put anything in that water. He asked me to deliver it to you and I agreed, I never thought he would drug you." Wriothesley explain.

"My sentence is probably so long it will keep going on even after I die, and you're trying to tell me it was the embodiment of justice itself who wronged me?" Your eye twitched. "Now that's rich."

"What would I gain from drugging you? I only have one more annoying prisoner to deal with." He retorted, earning a glare from you. "Monsieur Neuvillette on the other hand, if you won the duel and left just like that, the whole of Fontaine would be up in flames. Can you imagine someone kills that many people and walks away untouched? I'm guessing he knew what was to come and couldn't take any chances."

"So much for the nation of justice." You commented.

"I apologise on his behalf for his actions.  But that doesn't change the fact you need to eat." Wriothesley ordered.

"I'm not hungry." You mouthed.

"Yes you are, this isn't up for debate." He argued.

"Why is it your business whether I eat or not? Why not just let me starve?"

"Because I know you are grieving, however this isn't the way to do it." The black haired male furrowed his eyebrows. "Now eat, at least drink water." He opened your cell and brought in the tray he was carrying.

"I already said no." You declined.

"Look Y/n, I personally know how you feel about the loss of a sibling, and I know your brother wouldn't want you to blame yourself over a matter like this." He sympathised. "Some of my siblings were killed by my parents, I knew they wouldn't want me to feel guilt for not saving them, so I kept taking care of myself. I doubt your brother wanted you to do this, nor would he blame you. All you're making is a problem for yourself when it doesn't need to be one."

"So you understand..." You mumbled. "Still I- I cant bring myself to move on with life even though I know time will not stop for me to get over this."

"I'll leave this here for you." Wriothesley placed the tray of food next to you then left your cell. "You can come down to coupon cafe tomorrow instead of being up here, if that goes well I'll move you to a proper room." And with that  the black haired male waved his hand and walked away, leaving you to stare at the food in front of you.

You poked at it with a fork as if it was some sort of animal playing dead. Then your gaze drifted to the water, both of these things were something your body ached to devour but your mind said otherwise. You just weren't in the mood.

But nonetheless, you hesitantly stabbed your dish with a fork and held a pice to your lips, then you bit into it. Chewing on it for a few seconds you swallowed it, after that you grabbed the cup of water, chanted a few prayers then drank it.

Nothing happened.

A wave of relief washed over you as you continued to finally eat what was on your tray of food. You felt content with yourself, fulfilled that you were taking care of your body on behalf of your brother.

Your hunger was satisfied and your thirst was ended, yet it felt like a massive hurdle you overcame all with the help of the Duke.

"No wonder everyone respects him so much."

MASSACRE | Wriothesley x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now