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"Thanks for that." Wriothesley approached you with a friendly wave.

"For what?" You asked, wiping the sweat off your forehead.

"You've made me a lot of credit coupons, so how about you let me treat you to a nice meal?" He offed, crossing his arms.

"A meal?" You questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"Think of it as a celebration for winning your very first match." He shrugged.

"Speaking of, I expect at least fifty percent of the coupons you made." You jestered. "It was obvious I was gonna win anyways.

"A hustler,  I like it." The black haired man snickered. "I don't see why not."

"What?" You took a step back, taken completely by surprise. "I was just kidding, gee."

"No you made a fair point, you can have half." He agreed with you.

"No it's fine, I don't need it anyway." You declined. Wriothesley being the only one betting on you was more than enough payment in your eyes, it made you feel like even if the entire world was against you he'd be there to help you out. But you'd never tell him that.

"I don't like useless arguments, just take it." He commanded. "And that's an order as the Duke of the Fortress of Meropide."

"Fine fine, if you insist." You accepted your payment. "Where's the part this becomes a job for me though? The only money I got was from you out of kindness."

"Oh for that? You have to sign up for tournaments." Wriothesley informed you. "Perfect timing actually," the male grabbed an assistant who was just passing by from their collar, and pulled them back. "Amélie, can you put our dear friend Y/n's name down on the list of participants in the next coming tournament? Great thanks."

"A-ah yes Duke." The girl stumbled forward, absolutely baffled by what just occurred. She left with a light shade of pink coating her cheeks, obviously embarrassed.

"Poor girl." You crossed your arms. "You scared her."

"Actually, I think she was more scared of you than me." The black haired male corrected you as a playful smile crept upon his face. "In two seconds you made the entire Pankration Ring hate you."

"They're all a bunch of wusses anyway, I'd make it my job to make them hate me if they didn't already." You rolled your eyes.

"Are you forgetting where we are?" He raised an eyebrow. "This is a prison, a large portion of the people here are snobby, loud mouthed, criminals who only care for the benefit of themselves."

"Ah yes how could I forget that I was kept in a cell for two days. Turns out, time flys really slowly when you have nothing to do but sleep and stare at the same wall for what feels like forever."

"You already know why you were kept in there." Wriothesley put his arm around you shoulder, guiding you towards the exit of the Pankration Ring. "We've had this conversation before Y/n."

"Where are we going?" You questioned, pealing his arm off of you.

"To the coupon cafeteria, I said I was going to treat you, no?" He tiled his head slightly, letting his slivery grey eyes drift over to you as the two of you continued to walk side by side.

"Why are you spending so much time with me anyways?" You noticed the amount of convicts staring your way. "People are staring so I know this is unusual."

"I'm not sure why myself." The black haired male shrugged it off. "Probably because you remind me of myself when I first came here. I felt betrayed, anger, and the grief of loss. I hated the world and all the terrible people who inhabited it." He shoved his hands into his pocket.

"So what changed?" You inquired, feeling some sort of commonality with him.

"I realised I had to let it go. No matter how hard I try, bad people are always going to exist so why spend my life engulfed in hatred and vengenfulness than enjoy it?" He reasoned. "If you have that mindset you'll have wrinkles by the time you're thirty." He warned.

You scoffed, "I don't have that mindset."

The man next to you looked at you as if you were lying.

"What?" You held your hands up in confusion.

This motion earned a chuckle from him as he continued. "I was just kidding."


Soon the two of you arrived at the cafeteria and began to eat. The Duke allowed you to order anything you wanted and you so graciously accepted his kind offer.

You and Wriothesley chatted away about the smallest of topics, many people who walked by were very confused at the sight. At first everyone thought you were some sort of insanely important person, but then they realised you were a normal convict like the rest of them which led them to even more confusion.

The Duke and you spent the next hour eating and conversing with eachother until he had to leave to continue with his work. The black haired male bid goodbye to you, leaving you alone at the table the two of you were sat at.

Just as you were about to leave, two feminine hands slammed onto the table. Your gaze slid up from her basic attire, to her long dirty-blonde, silky hair, which was let down, all the way to her bright, cat-like, blue eyes and the many freckles plastered across her face.

"Can I... help you?" You asked, the girl looked around your age.

"Yes actually, how did you do it?" She edged closer to your face, narrowing her eyes.

"Do what?"

"Befriend the Duke? I mean, what are you two? Long lost childhood friends? Because that would be a great idea for my next book." She distracted herself as you sat there feeling confused.


"Ugh never mind, don't listen to me." The girl flapped her hand as if she were trying to shoo a fly away. "What are you to the Duke? His friend? Lover? Because what the hell is going on? He never talks to anyone else the way he does with you, and I swear to god when I saw him put his hand over your shoulder I nearly passed out it was that strange." She exaggerated.

Clearly, this girl spoke a lot, and it seemed like she wasn't going to leave without an answer that satisfied her curiosity.

"Everyone here is insane." You mumbled under your breath, talking to yourself more than the woman stood in front of you. "And that's rich coming from someone like me."

"What was that?" She questioned, leaning over you with a suspicious stare, her blue eyes boring into you e/c ones.

"Nothing, nothing." You diverted her attention.

"Whatever just answer the question." She demanded. "Or is it questions? Never mind that, just answer it."

To you it seemed like her attention span was shorter than the time it took for the people at the Pankration Ring to find anything at all to get angry at. She was already thinking of something new in the middle of her own sentence.

"No he's not my lover, heck we're barely even friends. I've only known him for a couple of days." You confessed.

"What?!" She exclaimed, prolonging her pronunciation of the word to add a dramatic effect. "Then why is he- how is he- but- I- I was so sure the two of you were familiar with eachother." The girl could barely get out a sentence, it seemed as if she was struggled to choose what she wanted to say first, there was so much she had to ask.

Without question, she grabbed your hand and began to drag you in some direction. You just prayed she wasn't one of those prisoners with serious mental issues or it would be a very long day.

Author note:
Ty guys so much for 1k reads. I know that isn't much compared to my other books but I'd like to think of it as a sense of achievement. it's been a while since I've actually committed to a book so thank you once again for reading <3

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