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"This woman, a member of the fatui with brown hair, asked me and my gang to kill Y/n in exchange for credit coupons." Mael was sat back at Wriothesley's, but this time handcuffed.

"How many credit coupons?" The black haired male interrogated, sat behind his chair with his arms crossed.

"T-Ten thousand." The convict coughed.

"Hm." The Duke hummed, "who is this fatui member?"

"She didn't tell us her name."

"Nothing at all?" Wriothesley questioned. "Not even a location to meet up?"

"She told us she'd be in the Pankration Ring today during lunch." Mael confessed.

"That's just about right now." The black haired male stood up from his chair. "Stay here, I'll get someone to collect you as soon as I leave this room so don't even think of trying anything. You're already in a lot of trouble." He ordered with a harsh tone before exiting the room.

Wriothesley rushed down to the Pankration Ring as many prisoners waved and greeted him, though he didn't stop for long since he was on a race with time. Though strangely, he's seen an unusual amount of fatui members scattered around the fortress during is journey.

Once at the ring, he marched his way to the main room before scanning around, looking for this so called brunette female fatui member. After a few minutes of searching, he decided to ask around.

Walking up to one of the most active convicts of the Pankration Ring, he decided to question him.

"Hey Arthur, how's it going?" The Duke waved.

"It's a pleasure to see you in good healthy Duke, how can I help you?" Arthur greeted.

"Straight to the point I see?" Wriothesley chuckled, "not that I mind, I'm looking for this female fatui member. She has brown hair apparently, you seen her around here recently?"

"Now that I think of it, yeah I have actually, she's been hanging around here for the past few days but hasn't done a single thing, only talk to a few of us and watch the fights. I assumed she was just interested in watching." The prisoner explained. "I last saw her talking to those guys over there before she left." Arthur pointed to Mael's gang of friends.

"Thanks for the intel, I'll be sure to reward you with some coupons after I'm finished dealing with this." The black haired male smiled.

"No problem boss, I'll be looking forward to that." Arthur spoke before bidding his goodbyes.

Wriothesley approached the group of convicts Mael hung out with warily. "Hey guys-" the Duke cut himself off after seeing their facial expressions, they were all giving him glares, tensing up the atmosphere. "Ah I see what this is about," he clapped his hands together. "Don't worry Mael's fine, I'm not here to punish you guys I just want to ask about the fatui member you were talking to. If you don't answer then... I guess I will have to bring threats into this but let's not get that far okay?"

There was silence.

"I'll take that as a yes." Wriothesley cleared his throat. "What were you talking about and where did she go? Credit coupons will be awarded for telling the truth."

The group was hesitant to talk, but when the black haired male gave them an expectant look, one of them began speaking.

"She just started leaving when we asked her where she was going, that's when she told us she was headed to her room because she left something important in there, except the thing is I think she was lying." The prisoner spoke.

"Oh? Why do you believe that?" The Duke asked.

"Because she left the second we informed her that you took Mael in for questioning."

MASSACRE | Wriothesley x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now