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"I know." You lower your gun. "I knew killing Etienne wouldn't bring my brother back, but scum like him shouldn't be allowed to walk this earth."

You sighed with a sorrowful look on your face, turning around to leave when you abruptly came to a stop.

In front of you was the Duke of the fortress of Meropide, panting like crazy, as if he had run all the way over here without stop.

"I guess my run is over huh?" You put your hands up in surrender. "I've just about gotten sick of running from the guards all the time. Whatever, let's just go to the court and get this over with."

"Why did you do this?.." Wriothesley questioned.

"Why? The question I should be asking is why haven't you figured out why so many people are going missing." You scoffed. "Those disappearances aren't just part of the serial disappearances case yet you rule it off as one and carry on with your day."

"Look if you want to argue with someone, I'm not that person, I don't take care of cases, only this particular one because you've been causing so much trouble." The black haired male responded. "May I ask why-"

"They killed my brother, and many other vision holders too." You spoke with bitterness in your voice.


"Those monsters, "researchers" kidnapped vision holders and killed them for their visions. Even though they came out colourless, they were experimenting on them, trying to reactivate them for personal use. Just like that one Inazuman not so long ago." You explained. "My brother happened to be their last victim." Out of frustration you clenched your fists.

"And this is all true?"

"Yes all of it is true. Just take me to the court." You walked by him, and shoved his shoulder.

"I'm sorry about that." He consoled you.

"The lack of justice in this country is ironic, sorry won't bring my brother back." You spat, you knew he's not the one you should be saying this to but who else was there to listen to you?

Although Wriothesley normally wouldn't let people talk to him like that, he could see where your frustration was coming from so he decided to leave you alone for now.

The walk to the court of Fontaine was very awkward. Many people saw you go by with the Duke, and they were terrified at the sight of a mass murder in broad daylight.

"Y/n." Wriothesley coughed.


"I may need to handcuff you to put the citizens at ease, hell I should've done that ages ago." He pointed out.

"No." You instantly declined as if it was an offer.



"Y/n, I have to, unless you want disorderly conduct to be added to your long list of charges." Be threatened.

"What's a few more years gonna do? I don't plan on staying in prison anyway." You openly admitted.

"What do you mean by that?"

"I'm going to challenge the champion duelist to a fight of course, I know I can win. I plan to fulfil all the things my brother wished to do." A faint smile appeared on your face at the thoughtof your happy memories with him, your only good relationship with any of your family members.

"Are you that confident in your abilities?" The black haired male arched an eyebrow.

"I was trained by the best, it would be disrespectful to my master if I was to lose." You replied.

"Who is your master?"

"She told me to call her master, and that was it. She never gave me her name." You answered.

"I see," he was about to day something but cut himself off. "Never mind, we're here."

Without asking, Wriothesley grabbed your hands and put them behind your back, cuffing you before you got into the building. Knowing this was coming, you didn't fight it.

The man brought you into a small room with only a chair and a table then left. He told you to "stay put" until he got back.

"What am I? A dog?" You remarked as soon as he left the room.

Around thirty minutes of waiting, he came back.

"I had a lot of work to do, especially with all the information you so kindly provided us with, but I thought to come check up on you. To see if you were still here." The black haired male walked in, holding a glass cup of water.

"Gee thanks, you place so little trust in me."

"You're welcome." He placed down the cup of water in front of you,"for the water of course."

After you finished drinking, Wriothesley instructed you to follow him to the main court room where your trial would commence.

As you walked into the massive court room, you first made eye contact with the Iudex stitting on his chair, he gave you a sorrowful look before turning back to converse with the Hydro archon Furina. All eyes were on you. Many whispers could be heard amongst the crowd.

"That's her! The killer!"

"But she's still so young."

"She deserves to be punished with the worst sentence we have."

You shot a harsh glare at the person who made that last comment, causing them to physically shiver.

"Don't cause a scene, these people will eat you alive." The black haired male whispered into your ear as he walked with you towards the stage.

"Not if I kill them all first." You snickered, enjoying the scared face one audience members made.

However the Duke did not find your words amusing, instead he stared at you with a judging expression.

"What? Too soon?"


The second you stepped onto the stage, Neuvillette began to speak.

"Y/n, before I announce what crimes you're being charged with I would like to ask you a few questions." The white haired male looked down upon you.

"It's not like I have a choice." You remarked, earning a few unhappy comments from the crowd.

"Why did you kill thirty-two- no thirty-three people?"

"They're all scum who deserved to die." You rolled your eyes.

"All those people you unrightfully took from their families-" The fearful man raised his voice.

"I was doing their families a favour by getting rid of them, they're a stain on the reputation of Fontaine." You cut him off, many people sat in seats started mumbling at your rudeness.

"Miss L/n, I will not stand for this level of disrespect in my court. Please refrain from cutting me off again." He furrowed his eyebrows. Meanwhile Wriothesley sweatdropped, smiling awkwardly as he scratched the back of his head. "This is getting nowhere, it is time we commence with the trial."

MASSACRE | Wriothesley x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now