XXV - A Million!

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A loud noise echoed in the area around the group. They were in something red. Russell could see the walls, they were red and shiny and rather thin. They were moving, but Russell wasn't. . .a car! They were in a car. When did they get in a car? Oh boy this was odd. Russell laughed slightly, leaning her back against the thin red metal behind her.  "Jesus, slow down!" Steve slurred.

"Yeah, what is this, like the Indy 500?" The brunette across said.

"It's the Indy 300." Steve countered, pointing in her face.

"Oh my god I'm dating an idiot-" Russell started laughing, falling against her boyfriend's side. 300? What was an Indy 300?? That was just silly! 

"No, dingus, it's 500!"

"It's 300!" 

"It's 500, you doof!" Russell giggled. Steve looked at her face and started laughing with her.

"Let's say a million!" Another voice started laughing. 

"Dustin, watch out!" Someone yelled from outside the little red room before the whole world turned to the right. 


Russell's head hit something hard before she fell into Steve's chest and she started groaning. She could feel Steve's chest rumbling in distaste at their sudden curve as well. Russell heard a mumble but couldn't make it out and instead kept holding her head. Something creaked and Russell looked up to see three kids standing by her feet. Lucy! Dustin! Another. . .child? Erica! Right. She forgot for a minute. 

"Come on. Let's go!" The little Harrington said, holding her hand out in Russell's direction. Russell blanked out, just staring at the small hand and wondering how such small fingers could ever hold things. 

"We gotta go. Now." Dustin said. Lucy grabbed Russell's hands with her tiny little ones and pulled her to the edge of the little red room. Oh boy was little Harrington strong. Russell stumbled onto her feet, standing up with a wobble. 

"Come on! Get out!" Erica yelled, getting a scowl from Russell for a moment before she started giggling softly again. 

"Let's go!" Dustin hit his hands together.

"Ow!" Steve groaned as Dustin took his arm and pulled him out of the van. "We're coming!" He whined.

"Here goes nothin'" The curly haired boy walked away.

"This sucks." Steve huffed.

"Shhhh, Stevie!" Russell smiled at him, leaning against him. She couldn't help but feel giddy as she looked up at him. His face looked funny, but he was still her handsome boyfriend and she couldn't help it but get all warm in her chest when she saw him. 

Lucy made Russell sit down in a new room filled with boxes, right up against the wall with her back to it. "So you won't fall." Lucy whispered to her at some point. Russell kept getting distracted by the lights on the ceiling and the shiny silver walls. They sparkled under the white light, it was pretty. In a few minutes, Steve was standing on a red thing with wheels and wobbling all around. It made Russell laugh. He was so dumb in such a cute way. 

"Hey! You look like you're surfing!"


"I'm a natural! Check it out!" Steve fell off the little red thing, into some Chinese food boxes before landing on Russell's legs. He started laughing.

"Haha! Wipeout!" Robin cheered.

Russell smiled, her hands finding her boyfriend's hair. It was so soft. "Hi." She giggled, looking down at him with her hair framing her bruised face. 

[ 𝙿𝚎𝚝𝚊𝚕𝚜 & 𝚃𝚑𝚘𝚛𝚗𝚜 ] ~ 𝚂𝚝𝚎𝚟𝚎 𝙷𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚝𝚘𝚗 𝚡 𝙾𝙲Where stories live. Discover now