Chapter 7

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༺𝓖𝓻𝓾𝓶𝓹𝔂 ,𝓫𝓾𝓽 𝓴𝓲𝓷𝓭 ༻
Dear Diary

the 12th of November, the day I've been sort of looking forward to and kind of scared of its arrival.
I usually wear plain shirts with coat and in days off also I never really cared  about what to wear but today I felt Nothing looked  good on Me , I was frustrated and I didn't knew why, I just closed my eyes and picked a random hoodie, and decided to go with it along with my favorite hat.

As I stepped outside my house along with bepo, the gentle breezes of air brushed through my face . The street were alive with the hustle of the city. Bepo seemed very excited about this afternoon.

As we made our way to her house, the anxiety in me grew with each step I took .
Bepo rushed towards the door and rang the bell , and there I saw her soft smile welcoming us inside , she spoke with a soft tone

"Heyy, come on in "

"I'm been waiting for you guys " tony-ya said as he jumped with excitement.

"Thank you " I said as we entered inside

My eyes wandered around noticing the details in her house, looking so comfortable.

"Robin , you're place looks amazing " bepo said

"Thank you "

Bepo then rushed into the living room with tony-ya.

"You look good " She said


"I'm not used to seeing you in informal clothes , you look good today " She said with a smile

As she went ahead of me , an unplanned smile formed on my face. She did too , looked so gorgeous.

Please have a seat " Nico-ya said , while gesturing towards the tabel.

We settled in our seats along with tony-ya
The atmosphere around seemed a little comfortable, bepo and Tony-ya were full of life , they were so energetically talking about some random stuff .
My eyes then met the cat which she had adopted . I slowly holded it with my hands and started to pet it ..when  Nico-ya started set the tabel .

"What should I call her ?" I asked

"Kokoa" She replied with a gleam in her eyes .


Soon, Nico-ya joined us at the tabel and my eyes laid on the food she had kept on the tabel , which were some good looking , not so appetizing sandwich, which I was not really happy about , considering I dislike bread
I was kinda blank. I did not knew what to say she then took one in her and forwarded towards me with a smile

"I've tried to make them for the first time and im really excited for you to try them, here please share you're thoughts " She said while here eyes were soft .


I didn't want to say anything rude , she took the efforts to cook us a meal already and I really appreciate that .
I took a small bite out of the sandwich
To be honest , I was not a big fan of it but the filling was delicious.

"So..?" She asked

"T-the filling..uhm.. is g-good "

Then suddenly bepo, Nico-ya and Tony-ya started to laugh

"Huh?" I slightly titled my head in confusion

"Im so sorry, tra-guy-kun . I'm well aware you're not a fan of bread . I had enquired bepo about you're preference earlier " She said while Her hands covered her mouth .

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