chapter 5

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Accelerator looks at the enormous destruction caused by the brunette girl's quirk, he walks in front of the girl to get a better look "what the hell is this?, this girl...she's a level 5" accelerator thinks as he observes the destruction before looking back to Sophia who was wearing an embarrassed smile as she puts her mask back on.

-"Well that's the reason I'm so hated."

Accelerator looks confused at what she said, he approaches her and says.

-hated?, what are you talking about?

Accelerator looks into her eyes looking for some kind of manifestation or something, but only sees a huge insecurity and another feeling that he knows very well, the girl walks to an old bench and sits down before saying in sign language.

-"well... when I discovered my peculiarity it wasn't something very cool..."


"Since I was a child, I was always quite quiet and reserved and I was never very sociable, I was always very quiet and reserved, but one day..."

In a park in the middle of the city we see several children running, jumping and playing various children's games, but in an isolated corner we see a girl with black hair sitting on an isolated bench while drawing in a notebook alone, from afar along with the other children a little blonde girl chatting with her friends.

-Hey that girl...I always saw her there, she never comes to play with us.

-ah she's a weird girl, don't pay attention to her.

The little girl looked irritated at the boy who said that before running away to where little Sophia was drawing.

"...a girl decided to approach me to make friends, she came over and took my hand..."

-Hey, my name is Yuri, what's your name?


The Yuri girl smiled and grabbed Sophia's hand, pulling her towards the other children.

"I was happy...finally I would make friends, I would be a normal child, smile"

The children look at Sophia and smile, taking away a boy who was looking irritated at little Sophia.

-humph I don't want to play with a weirdo like you, and neither do you, right?

He says looking at the other children who stop smiling and become uncomfortable before agreeing, the only one who doesn't agree is Yuri who gets irritated and speaks.

-Don't talk to her like that!!

"That was too much for me..."

-be quiet yuri, I'm not going to accept this weird route, playing with us, she prefers to be alone than playing with us, that's why she's weird.

The boy approaches and gives Sophia a slight push as he begins to mock her.

"...I had already gotten used to humiliations like that, but for some reason those words hurt"

-stop this...

Sophia says, closing her eyes, trying to deny it while some tears run down her face.

-hahaha, besides being a weirdo, she's also a crybaby

The boy continues to laugh as he pushes Sophia further, she squeezes her eyes even tighter as more tears fall from them, she puts her hands on her head as she continues hearing insults.

Accelerator x mha (crossover toaru x mha) [English]Where stories live. Discover now