chapter 2

204 11 3

**God magic Nephtyhs**


Accelerator was very confused, clearly not understanding what she meant.

Accelerator:what the fuck are you saying?!-

Nephthys: you've heard about magic, right?

Accelerator stays quiet for a moment, remembering his encounter with the necromancer girl, he just stays silent and looks at her in an irritated way.

Nephtyhs: hmm~, I'll take that as a yes, well I'm a mage, but not just a mage but a magical god

Accelerator listens to her before getting up from the couch and approaching her, her presence being very intimidating, that even a fallen god like nephtyhs feels a little intimidated.

Accelerator: what do you mean by magic god, what is a magic god?

Nephthys:hum ahh, well a magical god is a person who has reached the peak of magic, magical gods in their full power are absolute deities, but unfortunately this power comes with disadvantages, thanks to it we cannot live among humans, because if If we try to come to the human world, the world will evaporate just with our presence, and that is why to live among humans we need to greatly reduce our powers.

Nephtyhs explains with a certain pride and arrogance and with a smile on her face, before she can continue boasting she hears

Accelerator: if you're so strong, then why were you almost raped by those idiots?

Upon hearing this Nephthys smile disappears before a sad expression appears, she turns and walks to one of the tattered sofas and sits down, a cat climbs on the sofa and lays on her lap wanting to comfort her, she smiles and pets the cat before to look at accelerator again and talk

Nephthys: well it's a long story, I recommend sitting down

Accelerator was irritated and was about to leave ignoring her, but he ends up remembering the voice of last order in his head *be kinder to others, misaka misaka will be angry if you don't do that, hunph* accelerator takes a long sigh before From walking to one of the sofas and sitting next to a cat, who gets up and approaches him, Accelerator just ignores the cat.

Nephthys: well come on, it will be a long story


Nephtyhs was at a party in a place in Spain in disguise, obviously, it was a chic party full of rich people and high-class wizards.

She hated these types of people, these arrogant men think they can take what they want and when they want it just because they have power, it's pathetic

???: Excuse me miss, would you like to dance with me?

Nephtyhs who was drinking a glass of wine gives a long sigh before turning back, but to his surprise it was not an old man, but a boy wearing a simple but elegant suit, and he was very handsome and confident, Nephthys gives a smile and says

Nephthys: Well, you're quite young, aren't you? I thought that here we only hear either rich old men or wise-cracking wizards, but it seems that something interesting has appeared

She says smiling before accepting the boy's proposal, the boy pulls her to the center of the room, and there the boy demonstrates great dancing skills, surprising Nephthys, because since she saw the boy she realized that he is an apprentice wizard, which is strange, how and why is he at this private party?, Nephtyhs decides not to think so much, and just enjoy the night.

After the dance, Nephthys spends the entire party with that boy who introduced himself to her as Carter, he seemed cool, he spoke well, why?...

Carter: Miss Nephtyhs, would I like to take you to a place?

Accelerator x mha (crossover toaru x mha) [English]Where stories live. Discover now