chapter 3

155 15 3

New world


Nephthys released her hand from the accelerator and walked over to the computer and started talking as she sat down on the chair and started tapping the keys.

Nephthys:well, I think I should start by explaining,well, my plan requires executing a huge and dangerous necromancer spell, which will transfer the rest of my soul to this body, and this will cause my power to return... probably.

Accelerator looks at her angrily and says

Accelerator: probably?, you're not even sure this will work?, you useless goddess

Nephthys just ignores the Accelerator and continues typing on the computer keyboard, finally finishing when she presses enter and with that the entire system she prepared starts, the tubes connected to both the capsule and each end of the huge magic circle.
The magic circle begins to emit a strong light that forces Accelerator to cover his eyes, after which Nephthys jumps over the computer and lands in front of the golem, she positions herself in front of the golem, before pressing a button in her pocket that makes two bases with levers appear in front of the golem, one far from the other, without wasting time she uses a simple spell that summons an earth imitation that presses the other lever, and together she also presses her lever before looking at the accelerator and talk

Nephthys:ready, now it's her turn, go ahead and use her powers to control and guide that energy to this tube

She speaks showing Accelerator a tube that before Accelerator can think she sticks the tube into his neck, but surprisingly no blood comes out, she just smiles as if it were normal.
Accelerator, without caring, does what she asks and walks to the front of the golem, and stands right in front of the capsule, which is releasing a strong aura, he sighs before activating his electrode and stretching out her hand until she touches that aura.
As soon as he touches the aura he feels something familiar, this energy is similar to what he had to deal with a few weeks ago, with that golem, this thing has few vectors, but at least this time he is better prepared, because he already knows them ,and then he starts to control those vectors redirecting them to the right path, but destiny had other plans.
An alert starts to sound from the computer, the screen says that there is an overload.

Nephthys:damn!! I knew these computers wouldn't be able to comprehend the power of a magical god, but what the hell!!

Accelerator:tch, stop talking nonsense, it was your fault, you should have stolen a better computer, the one you got is a piece of junk

Nephthys:what?, now it's my fault?, aren't you the smartest of all, shouldn't you have predicted this before it happened?

Accelerator was about to answer her but he heard a noise *crack* it was a noise like glass being cracked, he slowly turned his head to where the capsule was, and he saw where the capsule was there was a huge crack, but it was strange, the crack was not in the capsule, but was somehow in the air in front of the capsule

Nephthys and Accelerator:crack in space.

The two talk together before they can reason the crack starts to get bigger...and bigger, seeing this they run to the door, but when they reach the door a huge crack appears in front of the door, they look around quickly, they both notice that the room is already completely covered in these cracks.


A silence settles, and before they know it, the entire room cracks and breaks like glass and they fall into darkness.
Accelerator starts to fall, he sees nothing but darkness...he starts hearing voices in his head *You should take better care of yourself, you know?*...*you're very moody*...*look! !,misaka got a new pin!!,misaka misaka says excitedly as she shows the frog pin to Accelerator*.

Accelerator x mha (crossover toaru x mha) [English]Where stories live. Discover now