xvi. the plan commence

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In the bustling Great Hall, amidst the flurry of owls delivering letters, Naomi sat at the long wooden table of Ravenclaw, her eyes filled with anticipation. She watched with excitement as the owls gracefully descended, each carrying a message from a loved one. With bated breath, she reached out as a majestic snowy owl landed before her, its talons gently releasing a letter. With an excited grin, she began tearing the letter. She paused when she felt the owl's gaze.  

She looked at the snowy owl. The head of the beautiful creature tilted as if waiting for something. Naomi smiled and patted the owl's head. She grabbed some food for the owl, a small treat for the long journey.

"Here you go, Celeste." Naomi said.

The snowy owl, Celeste, is a majestic white plumage and piercing yellow eyes, exudes an aura of grace and elegance. Its wings span wide, carrying it silently through the wintry landscape. Against the backdrop of snow-covered fields, this magnificent creature stands out, its regal presence captivating all who have the privilege of witnessing its flight. With an air of mystery and wisdom, the snowy owl embodies the enchantment of the natural world, leaving a lasting impression on those fortunate enough to encounter its ethereal beauty. The sight of the snowy owl always leaves her breathless.

Celeste is her mother's owl. She has been with her mother since her mother's first year of Hogwarts. In some way, Celeste's presence and aura reminded Naomi of her mother, Jasmine Scott.

Celeste ate the food that Naomi provided. She then scratched her head in Naomi's arm as a sign of gratitude before flying away. Naomi watched the snowy owl as she flew out of the Great Hall. She looked at her letter before eagerly opening it.

Dear Nami,

        How have you been, my love? Did you have a great headstart for the year? I sure hope you do. Anyways, have I signed your Hogsmeade Permission Slip? I couldn't seem to remember. If I happen to not sign it, send a reply immediately and send the permission slip along the way for me to sign it and send it to you in time. I do not want you to miss the opportunity of seeing the magical place with your own eyes and just hear some tell-tales of your friend's experience.

        Now, I want you to have fun as much as possible while you are at Hogwarts, but please... as much as possible, do not neglect your studies. Your dad and I were too busy these past few days. There were a lot of patients coming in and never out of St. Mungos, it's honestly concerning. Your dad's busy catching some criminals and patroling somewhere.

        Send a reply immediately and tell us about your first day. Your dad will write to you soon.

With lots of love,

Naomi closed the letter with a smile and pocketed the letter. She'll send a reply later. While scooping some breakfast, she felt someone staring at her. She looked up and met the eyes of George Weasley.

She remembered Nicole saying that the 5th Year Gryffindor agreed to help them. She smiled and waved at him before looking down and continue eating.

Fred's eyes widened at the sight.

"She waved at me!" He whispered excitedly. He looked at Lee, who was seating beside Oliver and Katie. Alicia and Angelina seating across them as he immediately started ranting.

"She will be my wife, I tell you. I had it all planned out, lads. We will marry in June. Our wedding will be so grand and I will invite many people to show the world our love for each other. We will build a magical house with a white picket fence. We will have five kids, three boys and two girls precisely, all magical kids that will enter Hogwarts. George and I will be build a shop together. We will be so rich, our account will be so full that it wil be a problem where should we use it. Oliver and Lee can be the groomsmen — " George bit his lip in guilt and looked down while listening to his brother's rambling about their future together.

"— And Georgie here, will be our best man, right Georgie?"

But George couldn't hear. As he sat at the Gryffindor table, a heavy cloud of guilt settled over him, weighing down his heart. The sight of his twin brother, so identical yet so different, stirred a mix of emotions within him. Memories of their shared childhood flooded his mind, but it was the regret that consumed him the most. The choice that he had made, "Is it right for him to agree in helping Naomi, the girl that his brother likes at the moment?"


"Stop calling me that." George replied with a smirk, masking his guilt.

"What were you thinking?"

"Something that you would not comprehend."

Now, he was helping the girl that his brother liked the most. It's identical to helping your sister-in-law. He thought as his twin brother headlocked him and thus creating a chaos in the Gryffindor table.

As Lee shouted "Fight! Fight!", an idea pop in his head. That's it!

He will not just help Naomi, but also help his brother. He will make sure that Naomi will like his brother at the end.

George looked at the Ravenclaw across the room. She will be Fred's wife. They will marry in June and build a house with a white picket fence. They will have five kids, three boys and two girls, all magical kids that will enter Hogwarts. Fred will be build a shop with George. They will be rich so that he'll be able to give each of their kids a toy of their own. Naomi will pick her own Maid of Honor and Bridesmaid. Oliver and Lee will be Fred's groomsmen and he will be Fred's Best Man.

A surge of determination washed over him as a smile carved his face. He watched his brother continue laughing with his friends and looked at the Ravenclaw table, watching Naomi Scott, also laughing with her friends.

As he watched them together, a plan commence.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22 ⏰

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