ix. family

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The morning sun that went through the window of the ravenclaw dorm is the thing that woke Naomi up. She blinked repeatedly and stared at the blinding light with squint eyes. She wondered why it was open. She sat up and looked at her surroundings just to see all of her dorm mates - sleeping in their own respective beds. She then remembered that it was Eleanor who went to bed last. She must have forgotten to close it before sleeping.

Naomi yawned and sat up. She watched the way the sun rose in a trance. Moments like this felt like she was back in her home. Her bedroom window also captured this magnificent view. She wondered if her mother is doing well. If her father is eating well. This year, her family was with her when she entered the Hogwarts' Express. She waved to them before entering. Her mother, once again, shed some tears. She hugged her and bid her goodbyes.

Her mother, Jasmine Scott née Gray, always woke her up with the smell of her delicious bacon because she knows how Naomi loves the smell of meat in the morning. Her mother that always laugh at her jokes - although she questions why - and most of all, her mother that loves her. Her father, Giovanni Scott, an auror working for the ministry. The bravest man she had ever met. Her father that always have a dad joke up his sleeve. Her father that taught her spells that her mother told her she's too young to learn. But she can't help it, it's the ravenclaw in her. She misses the bickering that always end up with teasing and laughters. She misses her home.

Her mom always told her that she'll get to meet a lot of people and have a deeper connection with them. That in a place like Hogwarts, she will establish relationships and get to experience new things. Her father told her some advice. He quotes, "It is fine to learn, but don't forget to live your life." He advised her to learn new things but don't forget to live as a teenager. She appreciates that. She knew that her father knew how she thrives to learn new things. She's a ravenclaw after all. Her mother even told her that she'll meet some new family. At the age of 11, she did not understood that. Am I being disowned? That was the first thing that popped up in her mind. She already has them, why would she need a new family?

Evelyn opened her eyes and immediately saw the sight of Naomi zoning out. She sat up from her position and got a clear view of her longing eyes. She watched her friend as she fidgeted with her blanket while looking out the window.

"Naomi..." She called. Naomi broke out in her trance and looked at her. She immediately saw the soft look that Evelyn has. Slowly, Evelyn stood up and went up in her bed. Naomi scooted and pulled her blanket to let her friend have some space beside her. Evelyn sat and got herself comfortable before pulling Naomi for a hug.

Naomi sighed at the warm embrace and nuzzles the top of her head at the nook of Evelyn's neck. She can still see the amazing view of the sun rising even in this position, she finds this position rather comfortable and warm.

"Is everything okay?" Evelyn started. Naomi closed her eyes once she felt Evelyn's fingers combing her hair. "The thing last night. The one bothering you. What was it?" She asked.

"It bothers me too, you know?" she added. Naomi opened her eyes at the question.

"Nothing, Eve. Just an existential crisis." Naomi shrugged a little. Evelyn pulled away and looked at her straight in the eyes.

"It doesn't look like its nothing, Nami." Evelyn sighed and held her shoulders tightly. "You can tell me, you know that right?"

Naomi looked at her friend. Her shoulders dropping.

"You can ask for help if it's heavy, Nami."

At Evelyn's words, her mask fell.

"It's just... Do you know the feeling when you realized that the whole thing that you always believed in is actually wrong?" Naomi asked.

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